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Reset or change account properties
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Reset Windows Password:
edit extended properties for Windows accounts


Selecting data source

Selecting data source

Two registry files are needed. These are either SAM and SYSTEM (in case you're modifying the desktop account) or NTDS.DIT and SYSTEM (when you need to change the properties of the domain user). The program automatically searches for these files and suggests the first ones it finds. The files are typically located in the %WINDIR%\system32\config and %WINDIR%\NTDS folders. Where %WINDIR% is your Windows directory. So the full path to the Active Directory database may look like this: C:\Windows\NTDS\ntds.dit


Choosing a Windows account

Selecting Windows account

Once the source files are selected, the program enumerates and displays the list of all found user accounts. Select the one you need and click 'Next' button in order to open the final dialog with the user's properties.

Be aware! Reading a huge or a highly fragmented Active Directory database may take quite some time!


Modifying account properties and flags

Resetting account flags

So you can set/unset here different flags which control the behavior of the user account.

Be careful, changing some flags may cause the target account to be locked/disabled etc.