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Scan, analyze and visualize disk space
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Reset Windows Password: disk space analyzer

Analyzing your computer's disk space can be a daunting task, but with this new feature, it has become easy and extremely fast. All you need to do is select the disk and the program will sort out all the files and folders by the valuable space they are using, in literally a blink of an eye. In fact, this is one of the fastest tools for that. Once the analysis is complete, you can generate and view the disk report, or delete unnecessary items to free up some disk space.

Selecting logical disk

Disk selection

Choose the logical disk you want to analyze. Upon the initial access to the disk, the program analyzes its structure and saves it to a cache file. Typically, this process takes less than a minute, but may depend greatly on the number of the disk items and its reading speed. After that, every subsequent access to the disk occurs nearly instantaneously.


Disk space analysis

Disk space analyzer

The program automatically organizes files and folders based on their size, ensuring that the largest ones appear first on the list. This way, it's easy to figure out quickly top files or folders consuming valuable disk space. Use can use the context menu to open the folder location, free up space by deleting selected items, or generate a file report.