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Registration and technical FAQ
Reset Windows Password v14.3
Web browser forensic tools
OneNote password recovery v3.4
Support for Microsoft Office 365
Reset Windows Password v14.2
Telegram data recovery, Photo Database and Media Player investigation tools, and some more
Office password recovery tools
Resetting VBA passwords

Articles and video

You may find it helpful to read our articles on Windows security and password recovery examples. Video section contains a number of movies about our programs in action

Registration and technical FAQ



Q: How secure is the order process?
The order process is protected with a secure Internet connection, so that the data transmitted to the recipient can be read by the recipient only. All personal information (such as address, credit card number, etc.) is transmitted via a secure Internet connection and encrypted with the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol. To find out whether the page you are viewing is secure, take a closer look at the prefix of the address line. Protected pages begin with "HTTPS:".
Q: It's been several hours since I paid for my order, but I still didn't receive the registration key. What should I do?
In average, it takes about 4 hours to process the payment and send you the registration code (normally that takes just a few minutes.) However, the delivery time may stretch for up to 24 hours. Sometimes it may be a problem to receive the registration message. In your e-mail program, check all the SPAM /Blocked/Junk mail folders where incoming messages may fall by mistake. If you do not receive the message with the registration code within 2 business days, please contact our sales department.
Q: I bought the program and received the registration code, but it does not go through. What should I do?
First of all, check and make sure that you have bough the program you wanted. It happened that customers would buy an absolutely different program. For instance, it's easy enough to mix up the two similar programs: Passcape Outlook Password Recovery and Passcape Outlook Express Password Recovery. The first one recovers passwords for Outlook, the e-mail client from the MS Office package, the second one recovers passwords for Outlook Express. However, the most probable thing is you have simply mistyped the registration code when entered it in the field on the registration form. It is recommended to use the Copy and Paste commands instead of typing the code by hand. To do that, select the license key text in the registration message you have received with the mouse or using the text selection keyboard shortcuts (Shift + arrow keys). Then press the Ctrl + Ins shortcut on the keyboard to copy the selected block to Windows' Clipboard. Then open the registration window in the program, place the cursor in the registration key field and then press the Shift + Ins shortcut on the keyboard to paste the text from clipboard to that field. Next, place the cursor in the user name field, enter your name and then click on the Register button. If you have done everything right, the program will display the confirmation message. If you still have registration problems, please address them to our technical support service. We will be glad to help you.
Q: I have reinstalled Windows and lost my registration code for the program. What can I do to recover it?
Contact our sales department and describe your situation to them. Please include the approximate date when you purchased the program and the registration e-mail address. We will re-send you the message with your registration data.

Q: The program does not run/runs with errors on my computer. Can I get a refund?
Yes, if the following conditions are met:
  • You are requesting the refund not later than within 14 since the moment when you purchased the program
  • You are going to assist us in find out what causes the failure on your computer
  • You will have to give us a proof (you can send it to us via e-mail) that you have completely erased all copies of the program and the license key, including the registration message you received.
Q: I have bought a wrong program by mistake. Can I get a refund?
No, you cannot. However, you can exchange your registration key for one our other programs (within 14 since the purchase date). Please contact our technical support service for further instructions.

Q: I own a personal license. May I install the program on several computers?
No, you may not. Please refer to your license agreement.

Q: May I install the program on several computers if I own a business license?
Yes, you may. You may install the program on any number of computers within your organization.

Q: Do you offer discounts on purchasing several programs at once?
When you purchase all programs at once, you are entitled for the 30% discount off the grand total.

Q: I liked the program, but it is too expensive for me. May I have any discounts on the purchase?
Yes, you may. We currently offer these three discounts:
  • Holidays - you may have up to 30% off if you purchase a program during a holiday.
  • Discounts to active users - if you have found significant shortages or errors in the program and actively contribute to fixing thereof, we will grant you a 50% discount.
  • Special occasions - if you actively contribute to the development of the program, you have a chance to get a completely free copy of the program.

Q: Does my registration code get removed from the computer if I uninstall the program?
Yes, it will be removed. Uninstall will do that for you.


Q: What are the limitations for the demo version? The password field is empty.
Empty password field means that there is no password or the program failed to recover one for some reason. The DEMO versions of all our programs display the first 3 characters of recovered passwords (5 for PWCDKEY) and have some functional limitation. Eg. you can not execute a certain password export or password import operations. Often 3 characters are enough to remember the whole password. However to eliminate all DEMO limitations, you should consider purchasing the full version of the program.
Q: Why does some Anti-Virus software mark Passcape software as 'suspicious'?
We have reported that some AV software detect our programs as 'suspicious' or even infected. All our products do not contain any viruses, trojans or other spyware. All files and distributives are double-checked with anti-virus software (assuming that you have downloaded the distributive packages from our Web site.) The programs themselves have the built-in integrity check mechanisms that protect the program and prevent the invasion of malware. Besides that, each setup file is sent to hundreds of file archives, which also virus-check them on their side. Not to mention that false alerts for password recovery programs became common nowdays.
Q: The program is not downloading from your website. And the website is actually not working.
That's probably because the server is temporarily down. Please e-mail our technical support team and try accessing the server a bit later. You can also try to download the program you need through alternative links. For example, you can use the software archive www.download.com
Q: Downloaded the program's setup file but cannot open it - checksum error.
Most likely, an error occurred while downloading the program's setup file, and it is now damaged. For instance, some older versions of Opera browser used to have such problems with downloading files. Please try to download the program once again. If the error persists, please address it to our technical support service. You can also ask them to send you the setup file via e-mail.
Q: I have downloaded the program from your server but cannot open it. What should I do?
The program's setup file that you have downloaded from our server is a zip-compressed file. All versions of Windows, starting with Windows XP, have the built-in support for the zip format. If you are using such operating system, you will need to simply open the zip file (for example, by double-clicking on its icon in Windows Explorer) and run Setup.exe contained in the archive and then follow the installation wizard instructions. If you have an older version of Windows, which does not support the zip format, you will need to install WinZip or a similar program.
Q: Various errors occur during installation.
Make sure you have the read/write permissions for the program's installation folder (or ask your system administration to do that for you.) You can also try choosing a different installation folder. If you are upgrading from an older version, make sure you have closed all running instances of the program before running Setup.exe.
Q: I am a computer newbie. Please tell me in details what should I do to recover the passwords...
At least two things: download the program from our server and install it on your computer. Let's look at the details of this now: You can download the latest version of the program from our Website, in the Download section. Simply click on the corresponding hyperlink and follow the your browser's instructions. Once the program is downloaded, you will need to install it. Run Windows Explorer and then open the program setup file (it is compressed to the *.zip file) and then run Setup.exe. Then follow the installation wizard's instructions. When the installation is complete, the wizard will ask whether you want to run the program now. Run the program and follow the startup Wizard's instructions.
Q: Your program shows wrong passwords. How can that happen? I demand that you return my money.
The program recovers and displays passwords that are stored on your computer, and it cannot hold the responsibility for their "correctness" or "wrongness". If you doubt that the program functions properly, please contact our technical support service to find out the details. P.S. Sometimes PWCDKEY users report that the Windows CD key displayed by the program differs from the one on the label. That is especially true for owners of Dell computers. Indeed, preinstalled operating systems on some Dell computers are activated already and do not require the CD key during installation, since it is already stored in the winnt.sif file and entered automatically, not requiring user's participation. However, the key stored in the operating system's registry may differ from the one on the label. And that's the key PWCDKEY recovers.

Q: I e-mailed your technical support but still did not receive any response.
Your technical support request should be normally replied to within 1-2 business days (normally within an hour). Delays may occur because:
  • Time zone difference sometimes causes the delay of up to 1 day.
  • Holidays or weekend.
  • Mail server failure (on either sender's or recipient's side).
But most likely your message is blocked by an anti-SPAM filter. In this case, try sending your message once again in the Plain-Text format instead of HTML, do not apply any formatting to it. All modern e-mail clients allow doing this.

Q: Can you guarantee that no data will be sent from my computer during the downloading of an interface language file?
Yes, we guarantee that not a single bit of data will be sent from your computer.


Q: What forms the program's cost?
The program's cost depends on many factors. Those, for instance, include the competition's pricing, payback, and prime cost. The main element that affects pricing is the time invested in the development of the program. Besides the direct costs involved in the development, there are indirect ones also. Those include commercials, hosting services, submissions, translations, technical assistance, etc. Due to these reasons, in the future, most likely, our products' pricing is not going to vary. At least, the prices are not going to grow.

Q: Can I become your dealer or affiliate?
Sorry, no.
Q: I need to recover my old passwords as soon as possible: But I am afraid I am going to catch a virus or trojan if I install your program on my computer.
All our programs are compiled to a setup file on a computer that is not connected to a public network. Nevertheless, the setup files are double-checked with anti-virus software. The programs themselves have the built-in integrity check mechanisms that protect the program and prevent the invasion of malware. Besides that, each setup file is sent to hundreds of file archives, which also virus-check them on their side.
If you still suspect our programs to contain malware, please contact our technical support service. Be sure to include the program name and the full version, setup file size and, if possible, the place on the Internet where you downloaded the program.