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Reset Windows Password: file type statistics

This comprehensive file and folder analysis tool allows you to:

  • Gain in-depth insights into the structure and contents of your hard drives
  • Scan instantly individual folders or entire drive
  • Categorize and sort files based on type or size
  • Instantly locate files of specific formats, such as images, videos, or documents
  • Generate detailed reports outlining file types, sizes, attributes, date of modification/creation, etc.

Selecting logical disk

Choosing logical disk

Select the logical disk you need to analyze. Upon initial access, the program saves the file and folder structure to a cache file. This process usually takes less than a minute, although the duration may vary depending on the volume of items on the disk and the disk speed. Following this, every subsequent access to the cached disk occurs nearly instantaneously.


Analyzing files and folders

Analyzing file types

You have the option to view statistics for either the entire drive or individual folders. Simply select the one you need. To generate an HTML report, utilize the context menu.