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Windows 8 - Getting Acquainted

09:09:48 21.02.2012 posted by Passcape_Admin at 09:09:48 21.02.2012

Recently Microsoft officially presented Windows 8 Developer Preview, a preview of the forthcoming OS. Steven Sinofski, President of the Windows Division, called version 8 the most radical modification of Windows since Windows 95, which made its debut 16 years ago.

Half a million downloads in the first 12 hours! Can you imagine that? To take a look at the latest OS, we installed Windows 8 as a virtual machine. First it was shock. It wasn’t because of the Metro interface aimed at tablet computers, utterly different from what we’ve got used to in many years of using a desktop PC. No, we were shocked by many novelties, which looked very unusual and even weird to us!

Now let’s talk about password and security issues, shall we? As usual, Microsoft has made a little revolution. My first impression was that the whole internal structure had been fully modified. For example, the DPAPI functions had been moved into a separate service. Maybe they’ve done that to speed up the loading of the OS? Yeah, that might be the reason.

Now you can log into Windows using one of the four methods:
• Ordinary password
• Photograph (picture password)
• Existing Windows Live ID account.

Most passwords, including ones for network resources and Internet Explorer, are stored in Windows Vault now. It looks like it has been selected as a universal secure storage.

Alas, some old bugs haven’t been fixed. We were slightly disappointed when we launched Windows Password Recovery, which immediately told us the “good news” that it can extract the original plaintext password for the Administrator account! Heck, Microsoft put one foot far ahead, but left the other one 16 years ago! There's a hope they will fix the issue until the final release however.

Even though the Windows 8 is a bit more innovative and is written from the ground up, only time will tell the future of the upcoming OS — Cinderella or Frankenstein’s monster. :)

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