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Windows Password Recovery 7.0

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Reset Windows Password v14.2
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Windows Password Recovery 7.0

New version of Windows Password Recovery has been submitted.

 New version of the program can extract plaintext passwords of any user account which uses biometric information (Windows Biometric Framework) to logon the system. Windows Biometric Framework is used by default in Windows 7 and Windows 8. The password recovery of biometric information is used both in online mode during local hashes load, and in offline tools. For example, when the program reads hashes directly form registry files, in hard disk passwords indexation tool, etc.
 UPEK fingerprint password decoder. The program now decrypts user logon passwords saved by UPEK fingerprint reader. Most laptops such as Acer, ASUS, Dell, Gateway, Lenovo, MSI, NEC, Samsung, SONY, Toshiba, etc. ship with it today. Password protection used in UPEK software has a serious flaw that allows to extract plaintext logon passwords for all Windows accounts. Many thanks to Brandon Wilson who helped us to implement and test the feature.
 Windows Vault Explorer. This is a brand-new tool for offline analysis and recovery of Windows Vault entries.
 Support for NVidia GTX 6xx series GPUs.
 New GPU benchmarks. Thanks goes to our user Refill.
 Internet Explorer 10 passwords recovery (that is used by HDD password index tool and in Artificial Recovery.
 Security fix reported by our users.
 Active tip files were not updated during automatic update.
 Attack continue didn't worked properly in pass-phrase recovery.
 Buggy string conversion in ATL. Local strings were not converted to ANSI properly.
 Bug in Mozilla password decryption module. Some local paths to Firefox/Mozilla/Thunderbird, etc. databases were treated incorrectly.
 Unexpected failure processing command line options.

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15:57:04 11.10.2012



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