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Passcape ISO Burner v2.3.2
Some minor improvements
Reset Windows Password v14.3
Web browser forensic tools
OneNote password recovery v3.4
Support for Microsoft Office 365
Reset Windows Password v14.2
Telegram data recovery, Photo Database and Media Player investigation tools, and some more

Articles and video

You may find it helpful to read our articles on Windows security and password recovery examples. Video section contains a number of movies about our programs in action

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  • LSA секреты
    Content: Вышла [url=/index.php?section=docsys&cmd=details&am[...]

  • RE: Service error - Can\'t get service execution result
    Keywords: windows, password, recover, error, lsa secrets, lsa, secret
    Content: What is your AV software? Probably your AV marked the WPR as[...]

  • RE: Cloning $MACHINE.ACC
    Keywords: MACHINE.ACC, lsa, secret, decrypt, migrate, windows, machine
    Content: That\'s right. You changed your target\'s system credentials[...]

  • RE: Cloning $MACHINE.ACC
    Keywords: authentication, kerberos, lsa secrets
    Content: It looks like it has something to do with Kerberos authentic[...]

  • WPR v10.2
    Keywords: windows password recovery,lsa secrets,
    Content: Windows Password Recovery v10.2 has been [url=/index.php?sec[...]

  • RE: Cloning $MACHINE.ACC
    Keywords: lsa secrets
    Content: The [url=/index.php?section=news&cmd=details&newsid=479]new [...]

  • RE: HomeGroupUser$
    Keywords: HomeGroupUser, hash, password, encryption, decrypt, extract, lsa secrets, mimikatz, fingerprint, active directory, plaintext
    Content: Yeah, it\'s ok. Windows automatically generates a strong pas[...]