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Passcape ISO Burner v2.3.2
Some minor improvements
Reset Windows Password v14.3
Web browser forensic tools
OneNote password recovery v3.4
Support for Microsoft Office 365
Reset Windows Password v14.2
Telegram data recovery, Photo Database and Media Player investigation tools, and some more

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reset windows password

JohnKorn, 10:14:07 24.10.2012 Rating: 0 #1

reset windows password  

Hi there.
Is it possible to use the wordlist collection in conjuction with Reset Windows Password software? If yes, how could I burn it to the rwp bootable disk? Thanks
Passcape_Admin, 10:27:00 24.10.2012 Rating: 0 #2

RE: reset windows password  

Hi. No, unfortunately the program uses with built-in wordlists only, there's no way to add a custom dictionary. The same is applied to Passcape rainbow tables.

We're thinking now about adding the feature (customizing wordlists). Probably there will be a separate version with additional dictionaries and huge Passcape tables to be fit into DVD. As a matter of fact, password lookup using Passcape tables is much more effective than using a dictionary analisys.
JohnKorn, 10:45:27 24.10.2012 Rating: 0 #3

passcape tables  

What's the Passcape tables?
Passcape_Admin, 10:52:24 24.10.2012 Rating: 0 #4

RE: passcape tables  

It's not just simple Rainbow tables but instead a bit different and much more effective tool. Read about it here. they can be used to reveal even very long passwords, but unfortunately the tables that come with Reset Windows Password are very small in size, thus allow to decrypt common and simple passwords only.
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