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Speed is lower than expected

brchomhike, 13:10:55 27.02.2013 Rating: 0 #1

Speed is lower than expected  

Hi admin,

I'm trying to launch the mask attack on my brand-new radeon 7970. The program shows only ~ 60000 pwd per sec. This is pretty much lower than expected. Does the program optimized for Tahiti GPUs?
IvanO, 13:25:00 27.02.2013 Rating: 0 #2

RE: Speed is lower than expected  

Make sure you have at least one free CPU core to handle your GPU. Otherwise performance may drop drastically. Consider also trying to turn off CPU usage completely: menu Options - General Options - CPU Settings, set Processor Utilization field to 0.
brchomhike, 15:33:09 27.02.2013 Rating: 0 #3

RE: Speed is lower than expected  

Wow, it helped. Now it shows over 140000 p/s. It is even much faster than OclHashCat. Thanks, IvanO!
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