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Bad LM hashes when loading from ntds.dit

backman, 17:38:38 29.08.2013 Rating: 0 #1

Bad LM hashes when loading from ntds.dit  

Every time I load hashes from NTDS.DIT file I get bad LM hashes. All LM hashes contain junk while corresponding NT hashes seems to be correct. What's wrong with it? The Active Directory database was replicated through standard Win environment so it should be fine.
I've tried to dump the AD hashes on a running machine and once again all LM hashes are undecryptable. Looks like a program's bug.
IvanO, 17:52:09 29.08.2013 Rating: 0 #2

RE: Bad LM hashes when loading from ntds.dit  

It's not a bug. If the global system flag NoLmHashes is not set, Windows server 2003/2008/2012 store real LM hashes to keep a backward compatibility. Otherwise Windows put random data into LM hash slots and store the junk. So simply ignore the LM hashes, it's just a trash.
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