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Other Partitions Gone? 950 GB of Data = EMERGENCY

d333, 20:37:23 16.01.2014 Rating: 0 #1

Other Partitions Gone? 950 GB of Data = EMERGENCY  

Just tried to use Passcape ISO Burner to place an ISO on first partition of USB HDD, gave message that drive letters have changed.  Now I see other partitions do not show up on this HDD.  It said it would only remove what was on the partition I selected - the first partition. 
I had 950 GB of data in these other partitions. 
How do I get them back?
d333, 22:05:08 16.01.2014 Rating: 0 #2

RE: Other Partitions Gone? 950 GB of Data = EMERGENCY  

Why would you make this app partition aware, and then let it format my MBR?
There are over 2 years of work / data on this 1 TB HDD.
How do I recover this MBR?
I did not do anything else with this drive after it said something like I needed to restart the program because drive letters changed.
I can't believe this.....
Passcape_Admin, 08:40:05 17.01.2014 Rating: 0 #3

RE: Other Partitions Gone? 950 GB of Data = EMERGENCY  

Unfortunately the utility rewrites partitions/mbr and formats usb in order to make it bootable. We will revise the program's messages to avoid misconceiving. You should probably use a 3d-party utility to try to restore the data. The program uses fast format, so the chances are high. Sorry once again.
d333, 16:26:36 17.01.2014 Rating: 0 #4

No Subject  

EaseUS Partition Recovery
Passcape_Admin, 16:41:45 17.01.2014 Rating: 0 #5

No Subject  

That would suit probably. I has the same issue and used it successfully a couple of year ago along with some other utilities. But I managed to recover files in file discovery (or similary worded) mode only.
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