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Windows Password recovery on Windows 8

gahawy, 18:07:33 29.04.2014 Rating: 0 #1

Windows Password recovery on Windows 8  

I installed Windows Password Recovery on windows 8.1, whenever I try to launch a GPU attack, the prgram crashes and I get a message indicating that Windows Password Recovery has stopped working, stating that "A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available."

I'm using HP laptop (ProBook g1 450) with a graphics card AMD Radeon HD 8750M. 8 GB memory i7 4th generation processor.

Any Suggestions will be appreciated.

IvanO, 18:13:20 29.04.2014 Rating: 0 #2

RE: Windows Password recovery on Windows 8  

Usually the problem is caused by outdated drivers. Please update your GPU drivers and try again.
Anonym, 15:38:09 06.01.2021 Rating: 0 #3

Win 8 Pass Recovery  

If you've forgotten your Windows 8.1 password, there are several ways to retrieve or reset it:
  • If your PC is on a domain, your system administrator must reset your password.

  • If you're using a Microsoft account, you can reset your password online.

  • If you're using a local account, use your password hint as a reminder.

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