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A couple of words about UEFI

Passcape_Admin, 15:45:39 07.11.2014 Rating: 0 #1

A couple of words about UEFI  

I wonder why new technologies become more and more complicated instead of making things easier for programmers. For example, UEFI standard initially had no support for 32-bit applications. Pretty nice, yeah?
Furthermore it also does not support NTFS file system. So what? Well, the problem is that maximal USB size supported by Windows is 32 Gb (when you format it to FAT32 file system). Everything that is over 32 Gb limit will be formatted to NTFS. I'm wordless. The question is, what the heck should I do with my 64 Gb USB stick to make it UEFI-compatible?
Luckily some workarounds can be implemented to overstep the problem. But why so complicated?
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