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Error loading hashes from local PC

Rla99, 20:25:25 11.06.2015 Rating: 0 #1

Error loading hashes from local PC  

When I tried to import hashes from my local PC using Windows Password Recovery, I get this error. It says failed to run local service: loader creation failure.
What does this mean? I ran the program as administrator and I am on windows 8.
Passcape_Admin, 22:15:09 11.06.2015 Rating: 0 #2

RE: Error loading hashes from local PC  

The error may typically be caused by the following reasons:
  • You ran the program with restricted token of the UAC

  • You have no write permissions either to temporary directory or to the program's installation folder. For example, the program was installed under restricted user account.

  • You installed the program into EFS encrypted folder. The program uses a service to dump Windows hashes. The service file and the folder it resides within should not be encrypted.

  • You're trying to run the program remotely. There are certain restrictions there as well.

I would also appreciate if you send to support email your program's log file.
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