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Service error - Can't get service execution result

Nazaf, 22:13:42 02.09.2015 Rating: 0 #1

Service error - Can't get service execution result  

I tried Windows Password Recovery 10.1 on Windows 10. Whenever I try to make changes using the LSA Secrets Dumper such as adding a new secret, I get the following error:

Can't get service execution result: service error (Loader error #-1)

Here is the log:

Windows Password Recovery  v10.1.0.917
Windows 8/Server 2012 v6.2.9200
 Windows x64 - Yes
User Administrator - Yes
Drive (C:\\) - fixed, NTFS, 208200 Mb free
Drive 'D:\\' - CD-ROM
Windows dir - C:\\Windows
System dir - C:\\Windows\\system32
Temp dir - C:\\Users\\UserName\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\
Profile dir - C:\\Users\\UserName
Program dir - C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Passcape\\WPR
Program name - wpr.exe
Program size - 6821376
OpenCL 10.0.1800.8
 Detected devices:  4 CPU cores, 1 AMD GPU

14:35:43 September 02 2015> 'system' is a system protected file, making a readable copy
14:35:43 September 02 2015> 'security' is a system protected file, making a readable copy
14:35:44 September 02 2015> Adding new secret 't'
14:35:49 September 02 2015> Can't get service execution result: service error (Loader error #-1)
Passcape_Admin, 08:10:55 03.09.2015 Rating: 0 #2

RE: Service error - Can\'t get service execution result  

What is your AV software? Probably your AV marked the WPR as untrusted or potentially unwanted. Just put the program into trusted list and try again. Also if your AV has an option to protect system processes, you should turn it off temporarily.
Nazaf, 03:14:16 04.09.2015 Rating: 0 #3

RE: Service error - Can\\\'t get service execution result  

My AV is Eset Nod32 Antivirus. I added the whole folder C:\\\\\\\\Program Files (x86)\\\\\\\\Passcape\\\\\\\\WPR into an exclusion scan list but still same error.

I also turned off protection temporarily but still same error.
Passcape_Admin, 10:15:54 04.09.2015 Rating: 0 #4

RE: Service error - Can\'t get service execution result  

After doing some tests last night and installing the nod smart security, I faced exactly the same problem. It seems that the latest version of nod blocks injecting a code into system processes (no matter what the program is). Unfortunately, neither putting the program into trusted list nor disabling the AV protection helps. The protection still keeps working. I'll need some time to figure out if it is possible to overstep the problem.
Passcape_Admin, 11:34:17 05.09.2015 Rating: 0 #5

RE: Service error - Can\'t get service execution result  

Please, try to turn off ESET HIPS (Intrusion Prevention System) in extended options. That worked for me fine. Note that you will have to restart your system after the option is changed.
Nazaf, 19:23:23 09.09.2015 Rating: 0 #6

RE: Service error - Can\\\'t get service execution result  

Thanks. That worked. However, it is a risk to turn off HIPS for the whole system. So I found a way to only turn it off for loader64.exe process and without rebooting.

Here is how:
advanced setup, HIPS
Configure rules
Select the file loader64.exe and allow access to everything: Target files  for all, Target applications for all, and target registry for all.
Passcape_Admin, 15:22:25 10.09.2015 Rating: 0 #7

RE: Service error - Can\'t get service execution result  

Great, thanks! It is definitely worth mentioning somewhere in help or use it as a hint within the program.
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