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Passcape ISO Burner v2.3.2
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OneNote password recovery v3.4
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Reset Windows Password v14.2
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Auto renewal - Do I pay forever ?

aliceklaar, 15:41:12 22.10.2016 Rating: 0 #1

Auto renewal - Do I pay forever ?  

I have a question about your auto renewal fee as shown on the purchase page

 After the program is purchased, you'll get:
  • Registration key that eliminates all limitations of the DEMO version

  • One year of free support, lifetime maintenance and updates

  • Personal confidential help in solving out passwords recovery problems


Am I making a one off payment for this version of the software  or is it a discounted annual licence that I must purchase every year ?
If i only need to use your software once or perhaps twice (syskey scammer windows 10 AU) paying 1/2 purchase price every year until the end of the world seems excessive. 
What happens if I decide I no longer need "lifetime maintenance" - Do I have a choice ?
What if I buy an Apple, an Android device or just dump MS and move to Linux OS?
Do I really still have to pay you every year ?


Passcape_Admin, 17:07:07 24.10.2016 Rating: 0 #2

RE: Auto renewal - Do I pay forever ?  

Hi Alice,
Of course, no need to pay for further updates if you do not need the program any longer. If this is a one-time purchase, just cancel the auto-renewal from your customer account or contact us at support @ passcape.com, we will do it for you (just tell us your order id). Note that even with this option canceled, you will have 1 year of free updates after the date of purchase.
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