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Reset Windows Password v14.2
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Farsi language

Comrade, 16:53:01 30.01.2017 Rating: 0 #1

Farsi language  

Hello friends,
Show me how to bruteforce Farsi passwords?
Good day to you all.
IvanO, 17:14:30 30.01.2017 Rating: 0 #2

RE: Farsi language  

The program comes with different characters sets for all major languages. In order to be able to brute-force Arabic passwords, just open brute-force settings and check 'Using custom charset' option, click 'Load' button and load Arabic.pcf file. Then edit the loaded Arabic charset to skip some unnecessary symbols or add your own ones.

Mask attack works exactly the same way. To search Arabic passwords in a dictionary attack, you will need Arabic word-lists.
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