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hard disk driver problem

mikelarry4, 22:44:27 08.01.2019 Rating: 0 #1

hard disk driver problem  

I am unable to run RWP on an HP netbook due to a lack of drivers for the EMMC hard disk it contains.

How can I solve this please?

Passcape_Admin, 10:10:18 09.01.2019 Rating: 0 #2

RE: hard disk driver problem  

You will need to set up the driver manually. Open the HP drivers download page and download the driver that corresponds to your EMMC model. Note that the driver should be compatible with Windows 10 x64 system. Unpack it to your RWP boot drive. Make sure the unpacked set contains at least one *.inf file. Then boot the RWP, switch to the 'UTILS - miscellaneous tools' mode and select the 'load additional IDE, SATA, SCSI, RAID drivers'. Proceed to the driver load dialog and load your driver (just provide the *.inf file). Once the driver is set up correctly, you should see your hard disk in the system storage devices list below.
mikelarry4, 21:19:26 11.01.2019 Rating: 0 #3

No Subject  

Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately HP do not provide any EMMC drivers for the laptop. In fact they provide no drivers at all.

I am unable to find a driver elsewhere either. 
Passcape_Admin, 18:28:29 13.01.2019 Rating: 0 #4

RE: No Subject  

Right. I have just read on some hp forum that there's no eMMC drivers since hp uses Intel storage controller drivers instead. Please refer to the laptop's drivers page and try to locate the intel storage drivers. Also worth trying (Intel) ones that come with the program.
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