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Windows 8 to get its own password manager

08:25:53 22.02.2012 posted by Passcape_Admin at 08:25:53 22.02.2012

According to preliminary information released by Microsoft, the forthcoming OS will have a built-in password manager linked to Windows Live ID. Now to log into Windows, you should enter your Windows Live ID. The Windows Live ID password will also be used for automatically encoding and remembering passwords used for other applications, such as Internet Explorer.

Surely, this approach will make the lives of many ordinary users much easier, as now they don’t need to remember lots of different passwords for many applications and services. Moreover, the new system will help avoid the unwanted reuse of passwords, which is very common: despite experts’ advice, many people use the same password for various services.

Windows 8 also provides (at least in the development plans) solid features for restoring the original logon password. Say if the Windows Live ID password is changed without the knowledge of the user or via another computer, the user still can log into his PC, because Windows 8 will be accepting the last successfully entered logon password. To restore access to his account, the user can obtain a confirmation code by phone or email.

The password manager will even work for users who don’t have a Windows Live ID but use a different logon method (for example, a combination of username and password). Read our previous article about logon methods in Windows 8.

We're afraid that in the long run the mini revolution made for the sake of Windows users’ comfort might be very bad for their computer’s security, and thus bad for Microsoft itself. Actually, everything depends on how exactly the basically good idea is implemented. 

It’s easy to complicate things but hard to simplify them!

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