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Vulnerability of DPAPI data protection in Win2K, Win2K3, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Server 2012

  Brief description of the vulnerability The problem Affected software Technical ... More >>
Date: 16:27:51 10.06.2014
Categories: Articles
Keywords:  dpapi, flaw, protection, vulnerability, security, windows, server, 2012, domain, administrator, password

Windows tick-tock

  While assessing and analyzing new protection methods in various operating systems of the Win ... More >>
Date: 13:11:06 27.09.2012
Categories: Articles
Keywords:  windows, security, dpapi, efs, ntfs, active directiry, bug

Brief analysis of Yahoo leaked passwords

In early July 2012, the hacker group D33Ds Company published on its website a text file with email ... More >>
Date: 14:48:02 18.07.2012
Categories: Articles
Keywords:  yahoo, leak, password, crack, break, windows password recovery, popular, password audit