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Using Artificial Intelligence to decrypt Windows passwords.

Meet the new version of Windows Password Recovery with breakthrough technologies for recovering pa ... More >>
Date: 15:42:35 01.10.2019
Categories: Articles
Keywords:  windows, password, recover, lookup, search, decrypt, login, hash, artificial intelligence, security

Farewell to Syskey!

Download the article as a PDF file, Hindi version, or Russian version Fare thee well, and ... More >>
Date: 15:11:44 19.10.2017
Categories: Articles
Keywords:  syskey, encryption, md5, rc4, aes, decrypt, registry, microsoft, key, sam, windows, fall creators update

Hacking WPA2 passwords on Apple iOS in just a few seconds

In researching Apple iOS the German security experts Andreas Kurtz, Daniel Metz, and Felix C. Frei ... More >>
Date: 09:33:24 19.06.2013
Categories: Articles
Keywords:  apple ios, wifi, wpa, psk, hack, crack, break, decrypt, mobile, hotspot, gpu, security

Brief analysis of Yahoo leaked passwords

In early July 2012, the hacker group D33Ds Company published on its website a text file with email ... More >>
Date: 14:48:02 18.07.2012
Categories: Articles
Keywords:  yahoo, leak, password, crack, break, windows password recovery, popular, password audit

Security audit: user plaintext passwords in OS Windows

Is your Windows logon password 30 characters long? Sorry to break it to you, but it's useless. Any ... More >>
Date: 10:50:39 30.05.2012
Categories: Articles
Keywords:  windows, user, logon, plaintext password, password, windows, hash, secret, registry, windows password recovery

Brief Analysis of RockYou Passwords

In December 2009, the RockYou.com website was attacked by hackers. The attack was successful and r ... More >>
Date: 09:30:10 20.02.2012
Categories: Articles
Keywords:  password,analysis,audit,recovery,statistics

Windows passwords FAQ

Q: What is password protection? A: ... More >>

Outlook Passwords

Use strong passwords that combine upper- and lowercase let ... More >>