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The History of Users' IP Addresses in Windows OS

Brief overview Understanding External IP Addresses     What is an external I ... More >>
Date: 11:15:49 01.03.2024
Categories: Articles
Keywords:  history, ip, address, user, windows, external, forensic, network, administrator, decrypt, time, online, security, system

Total recall: optimizing recovery process for Windows PINs based on dates

PIN stands for Personal Identification Number. But it is not just a number. It was first introduce ... More >>
Date: 09:59:47 03.04.2020
Categories: Articles
Keywords:  windows, pin, code, recover, restore, optimize, decrypt, guess, mask, hash

Using Artificial Intelligence to decrypt Windows passwords.

Meet the new version of Windows Password Recovery with breakthrough technologies for recovering pa ... More >>
Date: 15:42:35 01.10.2019
Categories: Articles
Keywords:  windows, password, recover, lookup, search, decrypt, login, hash, artificial intelligence, security

DPAPI security flaw in Windows 10

  Brief description What OS are affected? What is DPAPI? Previous DPAPI vulnerabilities Wh ... More >>

Analyzing rule efficiency in a hybrid dictionary attack

  When it comes to password decryption, a hybrid dictionary attack is a very flexible and in ... More >>
Date: 11:34:10 25.08.2017
Categories: Articles
Keywords:  hybrid, dictionary attack, dictionary, wordlist, rule, mutation, password, word, recover, find, hash

Hash Encryption in Windows 10 Anniversary Update

Microsoft recently introduced a large anniversary update for Windows 10, one of its most popular o ... More >>
Date: 11:59:40 06.12.2016
Categories: Articles
Keywords:  windows 10, Anniversary Update, hash, sam, encryption, rc4, aes, security, ntlm, lm, decrypt

Brief analysis of Yahoo leaked passwords

In early July 2012, the hacker group D33Ds Company published on its website a text file with email ... More >>
Date: 14:48:02 18.07.2012
Categories: Articles
Keywords:  yahoo, leak, password, crack, break, windows password recovery, popular, password audit

Security audit: user plaintext passwords in OS Windows

Is your Windows logon password 30 characters long? Sorry to break it to you, but it's useless. Any ... More >>
Date: 10:50:39 30.05.2012
Categories: Articles
Keywords:  windows, user, logon, plaintext password, password, windows, hash, secret, registry, windows password recovery

DPAPI Secrets. Security analysis and data recovery in DPAPI (Part 2)

DPAPI Credential History Credential History in DPAPI CREDHIST data structure CREDHIST ... More >>
Date: 16:51:23 12.03.2012
Categories: Articles
Keywords:  dpapi, decrypt, blob, master key, credhist, secret,reset, password

DPAPI Secrets. Security analysis and data recovery in DPAPI (Part 1)

Introduction DPAPI architecture and security What is DPAPI What does DPAPI protec ... More >>
Date: 16:43:58 12.03.2012
Categories: Articles
Keywords:  dpapi, decrypt, blob, master key, credhist, secret,reset, password

Brief Analysis of RockYou Passwords

In December 2009, the RockYou.com website was attacked by hackers. The attack was successful and r ... More >>
Date: 09:30:10 20.02.2012
Categories: Articles
Keywords:  password,analysis,audit,recovery,statistics

LSA Secrets in Windows

  What are LSA secrets? What is stored in LSA secrets? Where are LSA secrets stored? LSA Se ... More >>
Date: 09:28:32 04.05.2011
Categories: Articles
Keywords:  lsa, secret, windows, viewer, read, decrypt, reader, extract, download

Windows passwords FAQ

Q: What is password protection? A: ... More >>

Outlook Passwords

Use strong passwords that combine upper- and lowercase let ... More >>

Recovering lost Internet Explorer passwords: Theory and Practice

  German translation of the article can be found here. You can translate the artic ... More >>

Windows Run Commands

Windows has a lot of useful commands accessible from Run menu. To invoke the Run box, click on Start ... More >>
Date: 22:41:37 10.12.2009
Categories: Articles
Keywords:  password, recover, best, software, key, run, windows, user, command, internet, program, mail, microsoft, system, passwört, free, registry, file, disk, problem, security