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Reset Windows Password v14.3
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OneNote password recovery v3.4
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Reset Windows Password v14.2
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You may find it helpful to read our articles on Windows security and password recovery examples. Video section contains a number of movies about our programs in action

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Total recall: optimizing recovery process for Windows PINs based on dates

PIN stands for Personal Identification Number. But it is not just a number. It was first introduce ... More >>
Date: 09:59:47 03.04.2020
Categories: Articles
Keywords:  windows, pin, code, recover, restore, optimize, decrypt, guess, mask, hash

Using Artificial Intelligence to decrypt Windows passwords.

Meet the new version of Windows Password Recovery with breakthrough technologies for recovering pa ... More >>
Date: 15:42:35 01.10.2019
Categories: Articles
Keywords:  windows, password, recover, lookup, search, decrypt, login, hash, artificial intelligence, security

Brief analysis of Yahoo leaked passwords

In early July 2012, the hacker group D33Ds Company published on its website a text file with email ... More >>
Date: 14:48:02 18.07.2012
Categories: Articles
Keywords:  yahoo, leak, password, crack, break, windows password recovery, popular, password audit


Q: What are the system requirements to run GPU recovery? ... More >>
Date: 09:54:14 30.05.2012
Categories: Articles
Keywords:  gpu,faq,windows password recovery,passwords,brute,force,cuda,device,video

Brief Analysis of RockYou Passwords

In December 2009, the RockYou.com website was attacked by hackers. The attack was successful and r ... More >>
Date: 09:30:10 20.02.2012
Categories: Articles
Keywords:  password,analysis,audit,recovery,statistics

General instruction on recovering passwords from hashes

Use this simple instruction for the recovery of any passwords in Passcape Software programs. This in ... More >>
Date: 22:16:06 10.12.2009
Categories: Articles
Keywords:  recover, password, hash, md4, md5, sha, brute, force, dictionary, attack, word, download, program

Recovering domain cached passwords

You can translate the article into your native language in order to get the program's registrat ... More >>