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DPAPI security flaw in Windows 10

  Brief description What OS are affected? What is DPAPI? Previous DPAPI vulnerabilities Wh ... More >>

Farewell to Syskey!

Download the article as a PDF file, Hindi version, or Russian version Fare thee well, and ... More >>
Date: 15:11:44 19.10.2017
Categories: Articles
Keywords:  syskey, encryption, md5, rc4, aes, decrypt, registry, microsoft, key, sam, windows, fall creators update

Analyzing rule efficiency in a hybrid dictionary attack

  When it comes to password decryption, a hybrid dictionary attack is a very flexible and in ... More >>
Date: 11:34:10 25.08.2017
Categories: Articles
Keywords:  hybrid, dictionary attack, dictionary, wordlist, rule, mutation, password, word, recover, find, hash

Creating unique dictionaries for password recovery

A lot of water has flown under the bridge since the first password recovery tool has appeared, but a ... More >>
Date: 16:15:28 12.12.2013
Categories: Articles
Keywords:  password, recovery, brute, brute-force, dictionary, wordlist, create, tool, program

DPAPI Secrets. Security analysis and data recovery in DPAPI (Part 1)

Introduction DPAPI architecture and security What is DPAPI What does DPAPI protec ... More >>
Date: 16:43:58 12.03.2012
Categories: Articles
Keywords:  dpapi, decrypt, blob, master key, credhist, secret,reset, password

Recovering Internet Explorer 7 - 9 passwords

  You can translate the article into your native language in order to get the progra ... More >>

Windows Run Commands

Windows has a lot of useful commands accessible from Run menu. To invoke the Run box, click on Start ... More >>
Date: 22:41:37 10.12.2009
Categories: Articles
Keywords:  password, recover, best, software, key, run, windows, user, command, internet, program, mail, microsoft, system, passwört, free, registry, file, disk, problem, security

Recovering domain cached passwords

You can translate the article into your native language in order to get the program's registrat ... More >>