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Recovering Opera Master Password
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Web browser forensic tools
OneNote password recovery v3.4
Support for Microsoft Office 365
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Telegram data recovery, Photo Database and Media Player investigation tools, and some more
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Articles and video

You may find it helpful to read our articles on Windows security and password recovery examples. Video section contains a number of movies about our programs in action

Opera Master Password Recovery Screenshots:
recovering Opera Master Password

The last step of the password recovery wizard launches the attack you have selected and gathers and displays its statistics.

Opera Master Password recovery in progress

Please keep in mind that if you have selected a pretty long word in the base-word attack, the preparation to the attack may take some time. Other than that, if the option 'Check frequently used passwords before each attack' is selected, the program will attempt to find the password among the most frequently used words and phrases. That normally takes less than a minute.

At this moment, Opera's Master Password recovery speed is really insignificant - just about 5000 passwords/sec on a modern computer. Such low speed is related mostly to the specifics of the implementation of encryption algorithms used in this browser. Our programmers work hard on optimizing them, and that will let us improve the decryption speed in the nearest future.


P.S. We've increased the recovery speed in one of the latest program's release. Now it runs up to 60-70 times faster (depending on options you selected).