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Analyze and decrypt Remote Desktop connections and passwords
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Reset Windows Password: Remote Desktop credentials

When a user connects to a remote computer via Remote Desktop Protocol, the credentials of the remote computer are cached locally (assuming the user has selected the appropriate option) to allow for automatic authentication during subsequent connections.

The cached credentials are stored in the Windows Credential Manager, which is a secure storage area for usernames, passwords, and other authentication information, enabling the user to connect to the remote computer later without having to enter their username and password.

The program can enumerate, extract, and decrypt the RDP credentials stored in the Windows Credential Manager in just two simple steps.


Selecting user account

Remote Desktop user account

Firstly, input the Windows directory and the user account to be scanned for saved RDP credentials.


Remote Desktop connections and passwords

Remote Desktop passwords

If required, provide the account logon password. The program will output all decrypted RDP credentials, along with the address of the remote computer, date connected, and other relevant information.

If you need to decrypt other passwords stored in the Windows Credential Manager, switch to the network password recovery tool.