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Reset Windows Password - Wiping out user private information
Reset Windows Password v14.3
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Reset Windows Password:
remove user personal information


Selecting data source

Personal information to be deleted

The program has a number of advanced features. One of them is deleting information that can be used by potential malefactors for recovering account passwords on your computer. Be careful; the information will be removed permanently with no chances for recovery. So, it includes the following items:

  1. Deleting password history for standard (SAM) and Active Directory user accounts. SAM password history, for example, is set in the group policy of the local computer. Hit Win+R keys, then type gpedit.msc, and click OK. Under Computer Configuration, drill down under Windows Settings -> Security Settings -> Local Policies -> Security Options. Here look for policy: Interactive Logon: Number of previous logons to cache.
  2. Deleting domain cached passwords. More on cached domain passwords can be read here.
  3. Deleting cached Windows logon password.
  4. Deleting password reset diskette information. With that information and the password reset disk, one can easily recover the original textual password.
  5. Deleting password hints.
  6. Resetting SYSKEY security.

To continue with the program, provide (or select from available) the following files:
Deletion of AD password history - SYSTEM registry file and Active Directory database file (ntds.dit);
Deletion of SAM password history - SAM and SYSTEM registry files;
Deletion of cached domain passwords - files SECURITY and SYSTEM;
Deletion of cached logon passwords - files SECURITY, SOFTWARE, and SYSTEM;
Deletion of password reset disk information - files SAM, SECURITY, and SYSTEM;
Deletion of password hints - SAM, SOFTWARE, and SYSTEM

All registry files, except Active Directory database, are stored in the following directory %WINDIR%\system32\config. Where %WINDIR% stands for the Windows folder, by default - C:\Windows.

The location of the AD database is set during installation. By default, that's the %WINDIR%\NTDS folder.