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Account statistics and audit
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Windows Password Recovery - account statistics and audit

Account statistic is available for both local and domain accounts. To generate a report, first select the data source: local or external database, SAM or Active Directory. These are the reports available in this category:

  • Regular vs. disabled accounts. This report shows the ratio of regular vs. disabled user accounts.
  • Regular vs. locked accounts. The ratio of regular vs. blocked\locked accounts.
  • With/without password. Shows the number of accounts with blank and set passwords.
  • User vs. machine accounts. The ratio of user vs. system accounts.
  • Active vs. expired passwords. Report with statistics on accounts with active vs. expired passwords.
  • Regular vs never expired passwords - compares regular user accounts against those with 'Password never expires' flag or unlimited password live date set.
  • Administrators vs. limited users. This report gives comparative statistics on accounts with administrative rights vs. restricted user accounts.
  • Account types. Shows machine, user, administrator accounts, etc.
  • Account status displays active against disabled accounts. It is the same as the first report in the list but contains no additional pane on disabled accounts.
  • Top 10 active users. Report on the top 10 most active OS users. The statistics is gathered from the system's internal user logon counter.
  • Bad password logons. Top 10 users with the highest rates in the failed logon counter.
  • Last 10 failed logons - displays the list of user accounts last tried to logged on unsuccessfully.
  • Last 10 changed passwords - shows the time of last 10 users who changed their passwords.
  • Last 10 logons - displays the time of last 10 users who logged on the system successfully.
  • Last 10 logoffs - the time at which the last 10 accounts logged off.
  • Expired soon accounts - user accounts that will expire soon.
  • Logon activity groups users by time passed since the last logon to the system.
  • Password age report groups users by time passed since last password set/change.

Top 10 active users report

Last 10 changed password

You can save some additional information to a text file by mouse-clicking a part of the report.