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Recovering Windows hashes - preliminary attack
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Windows Password Recovery - preliminary attack

Preliminary attack

Preliminary attack (developed in Passcape Software) is quite effective against short, simple, dictionary, repetitive, keyboard, etc. passwords and consists of several mini-attacks. Each mini-attack can be enabled/disabled individually.

Preliminary attack runs about 5-10 minutes or even faster. It consists of at least the following sub-attacks:

  • Common brute-force attack. Performs several simple brute-force attacks based on predefined character sets. 
  • Simple dictionary attack. Fast check the password by verifying all words from a given dictionary.
  • Extended dictionary attack. It's almost the same as above but with some smart mutation options set on.
  • Attack on repeatable symbols. Checking passwords as a repeatable sequence of a character. Eg. '1111111' or 'xxxxxxx'.
  • Attack on simple patterns, like '123456' or 'qwerty'.
  • Attack on complex patterns. The same as above, for compound patterns.
  • Keyboard attack checks for keyboard passwords and all possible combinations. Eg. 'qwer', 'qazwsx', 'asdzxc', etc.
  • National keyboard attack. The same as above, but checks passwords typed in national keyboard layout.
  • Complex keyboard attack is the same as the previous 2 attacks, for compound keyboard patterns.
  • Passcape Password Prediction attack is the most complicated and state-of-art password prediction tool.
  • Attack on name-based passwords.
  • Attack on hex passwords (eg. 7A49F3).
  • Attack passwords based on numeric words.
  • Search for short passwords that were created using non-standard UNICODE characters.