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Password-list analysis
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Windows Password Recovery - password-list analysis

Password-list reports display various statistics and perform a deep analysis for input wordlists. As a source wordlists, you can use, for example, the list of passwords recovered by the program. You can generate reports for all words of the input list as well as for passwords with a certain length only. The following reports are available here:

  • Password length distribution - displays the overall length of the password in a given wordlist.
  • Password uniqueness - this report shows unique against identical passwords chart.
  • Password popularity - displays the most popular passwords and their percentage of the total number of passwords.
  • Password format - statistics on the 20 most popular formats. The password format is defined by a character mask. For example, the DDUUUUDD mask corresponds to passwords consisting of two leading and two trailing digits, with four capital letters in the middle. You can save popular password masks into a file so that you can easily use them in a mask-based attack later.
  • Character set exclusivity - this report displays the number of passwords consisting of one unique character set and the percentage of these passwords to those consisting of several ones.
  • Character set diversity -the percentage ratio of passwords consisting of one, two, or more character sets.
  • Character sets - lists all charsets the input passwords are made of.
  • Character set ordering - the most popular password templates corresponding to the character set order. For example, the digit-string-special template includes the following passwords: 123password!@#, 1ove*****, and 12monkey^, etc.
  • Character frequency - statistics on the frequency of characters in the input words. The 20 most frequent characters are displayed.
  • Unique characters - the 20 least frequent characters.
  • Frequently used leading characters - statistics on the most frequent combinations of 1 to 3 characters at the beginning of words.
  • Frequently used trailing characters - statistics on the most frequent combinations of 1 to 5 characters at the end of words.
  • Frequent combinations - the 20 most frequently used combinations of 4 to 8 characters.

Password popularity report