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Windows Search database explorer
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Reset Windows Password: Windows Search database explorer

Windows Search is a content index desktop search platform developed by Microsoft. Windows Search creates an index of files, documents, emails, folders, programs, notes, photos, internet history, as well as file contents. The purpose is to let users perform fast incremental search based on contents and details such as authors, dates, people, file names, file types, and sizes.

The Windows Search database provides a valuable source of information for a forensic investigator. The indexed data reside in a single Extensible Storage Engine file in the following directory:

The Windows 11 Search stores the data in the SQLite database named Windows.db but has a similar data structure.

The Windows Search explorer is a tool to parse the database and display collected information in a human-readable format.


Selecting database location

Windows Search database location

First, you need to provide the path to the database. You can do it either selecting a disk (the program displays only those ones where it managed to fetch the database) or setting up a full path to the database manually.


Windows Search database explorer

Windows Search database explorer

The program builds a list of all found items and displays it in the left pane under the directory tree. So the directory tree is a parent to disk, email, internet history, user activity and other folders. Once a folder is selected under the directory tree pane, the program fills in the middle file list pane and displays items that belong to the selected folder there. To view all available properties (right pane), just select the item you need.

Experienced users can take advantage of an additional option for creating wordlists containing all indexed words from the search database. These dictionaries can be used later for further analysis or in any password recovery software.

Here's the description of the most used properties:

Name Description
acquisitionid A hash value that indicates the acquisition session.
applicationname The name of the application that created this file or item. Do not use version numbers to identify the application's specific version.
appusermodel_excludefromshowinnewinstall Prevents a Start menu entry for a newly installed application shortcut from receiving a highlight.
appusermodel_id An explicit Application User Model ID (AppUserModelID) used to associate processes, files, and windows with a particular application.
appusermodel_isdestlistseparator Inserts a separator in the Tasks section of a Jump List.
appusermodel_isdualmode Indicates that an application supports dual desktop and immersive modes. In Windows 8, this property is only applicable for web browsers.
appusermodel_preventpinning Disables the ability of a shortcut or window to be pinned to the taskbar or the Start menu. This property also makes the item ineligible for inclusion in the Start menu's Most Frequently Used (MFU) list.
appusermodel_relaunchcommand Specifies a command that can be executed through ShellExecute to launch an application when it is pinned to the taskbar or when a new instance of the application is launched through the application's Jump List.
appusermodel_relaunchdisplaynameresource Specifies the display name used for the shortcut created on the taskbar when the user chooses to pin an application to the taskbar or launch a new instance through its button's Jump List.
appusermodel_relaunchiconresource Specifies the icon used for the shortcut created on the taskbar when the user chooses to pin an application to the taskbar or launch a new instance through its button's Jump List.
appusermodel_startpinoption Set this property on a shortcut to (1) prevent an application from being automatically pinned to Start screen upon installation; or(2) indicate that an item is programmatically added to launcher via user action (which implies automatically pin to Start and delete on unpin).
appusermodel_toastactivatorclsid Used to CoCreate an INotificationActivationCallback interface to notify about toast activations.
appzoneidentifier Mark of the app container. The zone identifier as determined by the file's last writer.
audio_channelcount Indicates the channel count for the audio file. Possible values are 1 for mono and 2 for stereo.
audio_compression Indicates the audio compression used on the audio file.
audio_encodingbitrate Indicates the average data rate in Hertz (Hz) for the audio file in bits per second.
audio_format Indicates the format of the audio file.
audio_isvariablebitrate Indicates whether the audio file had a variable or constant bit rate.
audio_samplerate Indicates the sample rate for the audio file in samples per second.
audio_samplesize Indicates the sample size for the audio file in bits per sample.
audio_streamname Identifies the name of the stream for the audio file.
audio_streamnumber Identifies the stream number of the audio file.
author Represents the author or authors of the document.
calendar_duration The calendar duration.
calendar_isonline Indicates whether the event is an online event.
calendar_isrecurring Indicates if the event will recur.
calendar_location Indicates the location of the event.
calendar_optionalattendeeaddresses Addresses of the all the optional attendees.
calendar_optionalattendeenames Names of the all the optional attendees.
calendar_organizeraddress The address of the event organizer. This is a mailing or street address.
calendar_organizername The name of the event organizer.
calendar_remindertime Stores the time the user chooses to be reminded of the event.
calendar_requiredattendeeaddresses Addresses of the all the required attendees.
calendar_requiredattendeenames Names of all the required attendees.
calendar_resources Indicates the resources used for this event.
calendar_responsestatus Stores the status of a user's responses to meetings in the calendar.
calendar_showtimeas Indicates the status of the attendee during the event. User can choose to set the status as free, busy, tentative or out of office.
calendar_showtimeastext The user-friendly form of Calendar_ShowTimeAs. This value is not intended to be parsed programmatically.
capacity The amount of total storage space, expressed in bytes.
category Deprecated. The category that can be assigned to an item such as a document or file.
comment The comment attached to a file, typically added by a user.
communication_accountname The account name.
communication_dateitemexpires The date the item expires due to the retention policy.
communication_direction Indicates whether a communication was incoming or outgoing.
communication_followupiconindex The icon index used on messages marked for followup.
communication_headeritem This property is true if the item is a header item, which means that the item has not been fully downloaded.
communication_policytag This property identifies the retention policy applied to the item.
communication_securityflags Security flags associated with the item to indicate whether the item is encrypted, signed, or DRM enabled.
communication_taskstatus Indicates the current status of the task.
communication_taskstatustext The user-friendly form of Communication_TaskStatus. This value is not intended to be parsed programmatically.
company The company or publisher.
computer_decoratedfreespace The computer's free space and total space stated as '%s free of %s'.
computername The name of the computer where the item or file is located.
contact_accountpicturedynamicvideo This is a stream containing the data necessary to render a contact's dynamic video account picture.
contact_accountpicturelarge This is a stream containing the data necessary to render a contact's large account picture.
contact_accountpicturesmall This is a stream containing the data necessary to render a contact's small account picture.
contact_anniversary Anniversary of the contact.
contact_assistantname Contact's assistant name.
contact_assistanttelephone Telephone number of the contact's assistant.
contact_birthday Birthday of the contact.
contact_businessaddress Business address of the contact.
contact_businessaddresscity Business address city of the contact.
contact_businessaddresscountry Business address country of the contact.
contact_businessaddresspostalcode Business address postal code of contact.
contact_businessaddresspostofficebox Business address post office box number of the contact.
contact_businessaddressstate Business address state of the contact.
contact_businessaddressstreet Business address street of the contact.
contact_businessfaxnumber Business address fax number of the contact.
contact_businesshomepage Business address home page of the contact.
contact_businesstelephone Business telephone number of the contact.
contact_callbacktelephone Call back number of the contact.
contact_cartelephone Car telephone number of the contact.
contact_children Indicates the number of children the contact has.
contact_companymaintelephone Indicates the main telephone number of the contact's company.
contact_department Department name of the contact.
contact_emailaddress Email address of the contact.
contact_emailaddress2 Email address 2 of the contact.
contact_emailaddress3 Email address 3 of the contact.
contact_emailaddresses Indicates all the email addresses of the contact.
contact_emailname Email name of the contact.
contact_fileasname Indicates the FileAs name of the contact.
contact_firstname Indicates the first name of the contact.
contact_fullname Indicates the full name of the contact.
contact_gender The user-friendly form of Contact_GenderValue.
contact_gendervalue Identifies the gender of the contact.
contact_hobbies Indicates the hobbies of the contact.
contact_homeaddress Home address of the contact.
contact_homeaddresscity Home address city name of the contact.
contact_homeaddresscountry Home address country name of the contact.
contact_homeaddresspostalcode Home address postal code of the contact.
contact_homeaddresspostofficebox Home address postal box number of the contact.
contact_homeaddressstate Home address state name of the contact.
contact_homeaddressstreet Home address street name of the contact.
contact_homefaxnumber Home fax number of the contact.
contact_hometelephone Home telephone number of the contact.
contact_imaddress Instant messaging address of the contact.
contact_initials Initials of the contact.
contact_ja_companynamephonetic Pronounciation of the contact's company name.
contact_ja_firstnamephonetic Pronounciation of the first name.
contact_ja_lastnamephonetic Pronounciation of the last name.
contact_jobtitle Job title of the contact.
contact_label Contact's calendar event label.
contact_lastname Last name of the contact.
contact_mailingaddress Mailing address of the contact.
contact_middlename Middle name of the contact.
contact_mobiletelephone Mobile telephone number of the contact.
contact_nickname Nickname of the contact.
contact_officelocation Office location of the contact.
contact_otheraddress Other address of the contact.
contact_otheraddresscity Other address city name of the contact.
contact_otheraddresscountry Other address country name of the contact.
contact_otheraddresspostalcode Other address postal code of the contact.
contact_otheraddresspostofficebox Other address post office box number of the contact.
contact_otheraddressstate Other address state name of the contact.
contact_otheraddressstreet Other address street of the contact.
contact_pagertelephone Pager telephone number of the contact.
contact_personaltitle Contact's personal title.
contact_primaryaddresscity Primary address city name of the contact.
contact_primaryaddresscountry Primary address country name of the contact.
contact_primaryaddresspostalcode Primary address postal code of the contact.
contact_primaryaddressstate Primary address state name of the contact.
contact_primaryaddressstreet Primary address street of the contact.
contact_primaryemailaddress Primary Email address of the contact.
contact_primarytelephone Primary telephone number of the contact.
contact_profession Profession of the contact.
contact_spousename Name eof the contact's spouse.
contact_suffix Suffix attached to the contact's name.
contact_telexnumber Telex number of the contact.
contact_ttytddtelephone Teletype or telecommunication device number of the contact.
contact_webpage Webpage of the contact.
containeditems A list of the type of content in the item.
copyright The copyright information stored as a string.
creatorappid The AppId of the application that created this file.
creatoropenwithuioptions Provides options that influence the behavior of UI controls that launch the file with the app specified in CreatorAppId.
dataobjectformat The data object format. A string value that is the clipboard format name.
dateaccessed Indicates the last time the item was accessed. The Indexing Service friendly name is 'access'.
dateacquired The acquisition date of the file or media.
datearchived The date the file item was last archived.
datecreated The date and time the item was created on the file system where it is currently located.
dateimported The date and time the file was imported into a private application database.
datemodified The date and time of the last modification to the item. The Indexing Service friendly name is 'write'.
defaultsavelocationdisplay Helps display as an icon whether or not a location is the default save location for owner and/or non-owners of a library.
descriptionid The contents of an SHDESCRIPTIONID structure, represented as a buffer of bytes.
device_printerurl The URL for the printer.
deviceinterface_bluetooth_deviceaddress Bluetooth device address.
deviceinterface_bluetooth_flags Bluetooth device flags.
deviceinterface_bluetooth_lastconnectedtime Bluetooth device last connected time.
deviceinterface_bluetooth_manufacturer Bluetooth device manufacturer.
deviceinterface_bluetooth_modelnumber Bluetooth device model number.
deviceinterface_bluetooth_productid Bluetooth device product identifier.
deviceinterface_bluetooth_productversion Bluetooth device product version.
deviceinterface_bluetooth_serviceguid Learn about the Bluetooth service GUID. This reference page describes the DeviceInterface_Bluetooth_ServiceGuid property.
deviceinterface_bluetooth_vendorid Bluetooth device vendor identifier.
deviceinterface_bluetooth_vendoridsource Bluetooth device vendor identifier source.
deviceinterface_hid_isreadonly Indicates if a HID device is a Read-Only device.
deviceinterface_hid_productid HID device Product Id.
deviceinterface_hid_usageid HID device Usage Id.
deviceinterface_hid_usagepage HID device Usage Page.
deviceinterface_hid_vendorid HID device Vendor Id.
deviceinterface_hid_versionnumber HID device Version Number.
deviceinterface_printerdriverdirectory The directory location for the printer driver.
deviceinterface_printerdrivername The name of the printer driver file.
deviceinterface_printerenumerationflag Printer information Printer Enumeration Flag.
deviceinterface_printername The name of the printer.
deviceinterface_printerportname The port where the printer is located.
deviceinterface_proximity_supportsnfc Indicates whether the device supports NFC communications (NDEF).
deviceinterface_serial_portname Serial device friendly name.
deviceinterface_serial_usbproductid Serial device USB Product Id.
deviceinterface_serial_usbvendorid Serial device USB Vendor Id.
deviceinterface_winusb_deviceinterfaceclasses WinUSB device interface GUID(s) used to open a handle to the device.
deviceinterface_winusb_usbclass Class value from the USB device's first USB Interface Descriptor.
deviceinterface_winusb_usbproductid Product ID from the USB device's USB Device Descriptor.
deviceinterface_winusb_usbprotocol Protocol value from the USB device's first USB Interface Descriptor.
deviceinterface_winusb_usbsubclass SubClass value from the USB device's first USB Interface Descriptor.
deviceinterface_winusb_usbvendorid Vendor ID from the USB device's USB Device Descriptor.
devices_aep_aepid Identity of the Device Association Endpoint.
devices_aep_bluetooth_cod_major Bluetooth class of device major code.
devices_aep_bluetooth_cod_minor Bluetooth class of device minor code.
devices_aep_bluetooth_cod_services_audio Bluetooth class of device service audio.
devices_aep_bluetooth_cod_services_capturing Bluetooth class of device service capturing.
devices_aep_bluetooth_cod_services_information Bluetooth class of device service information.
devices_aep_bluetooth_cod_services_limiteddiscovery Bluetooth class of device service limited discovery.
devices_aep_bluetooth_cod_services_networking Bluetooth class of device service networking.
devices_aep_bluetooth_cod_services_objectxfer Bluetooth class of device service object transfer.
devices_aep_bluetooth_cod_services_positioning Bluetooth class of device service positioning.
devices_aep_bluetooth_cod_services_rendering Bluetooth class of device service rendering.
devices_aep_bluetooth_cod_services_telephony Bluetooth class of device service telephony.
devices_aep_bluetooth_le_addresstype Bluetooth LE device address type.
devices_aep_bluetooth_le_appearance_category Learn about the Bluetooth LE device appearance. This reference page describes the Devices_Aep_Bluetooth_Le_Appearance_Category property.
devices_aep_bluetooth_le_appearance_subcategory Learn about the Bluetooth LE device appearance. This reference page describes the Devices_Aep_Bluetooth_Le_Appearance_Subcategory property.
devices_aep_bluetooth_le_appearance Learn about the Bluetooth LE device appearance. This reference page describes the Devices_Aep_Bluetooth_Le_Appearance property.
devices_aep_bluetooth_le_isconnectable Whether the Bluetooth LE device is currently advertising a connectable advertisement.
devices_aep_canpair Whether the Device Association Endpoint can be paired with the system or not.
devices_aep_category The Devices_Aep_Category property indicates the categories the device is part of, such as Printer or Camera.
devices_aep_containerid Device Association Endpoint's Parent Container Id.
devices_aep_deviceaddress Address based on the protocol of the Device Association Endpoint. IP Address for an IP device, Bluetooth address for Bluetooth device, etc.
devices_aep_isconnected Whether the device is currently connected to the system or or not.
devices_aep_ispaired Whether the Device Association Endpoint is paired with the system or not.
devices_aep_ispresent Whether the device is currently present or not.
devices_aep_manufacturer Device Association Endpoint's Manufacturer.
devices_aep_modelid Device Association Endpoint's Model Id.
devices_aep_modelname Device Association Endpoint's Model Name.
devices_aep_pointofservice_connectiontypes A bit mask that specifies which connection types should be included in the search.
devices_aep_protocolid Identity of the protocol this Device Association Endpoint was discovered over.
devices_aep_signalstrength Signal strength of the device. Only applicable for some protocols.
devices_aepcontainer_canpair Whether one of the child Device Association Endpoints can be paired with the system or not.
devices_aepcontainer_categories The Devices_AepContainer_Categories property indicates the categories the device is part of, such as Printer or Camera.
devices_aepcontainer_children List of child Device Association Endpoint Identities that are part of this Device Association Endpoint Container.
devices_aepcontainer_containerid Device Association Endpoint Container's Identity.
devices_aepcontainer_dialprotocol_installedapplications List of applications supporting DIAL protocol on the Device Association End Point Container.
devices_aepcontainer_ispaired Whether one of the child Device Association Endpoints is paired with the system or not.
devices_aepcontainer_ispresent Whether one of the Device Association Endpoints is currently present or not.
devices_aepcontainer_manufacturer Manufacturer of the device.
devices_aepcontainer_modelids List of Model Ids for the device. Each Model Id is a Guid in string form.
devices_aepcontainer_modelname Model Name of the device.
devices_aepcontainer_protocolids List of Protocol Ids that have contributed to building the Device Association Endpoint Container.
devices_aepcontainer_supportedurischemes List of Casting Uri Schemes Supported by the Device Association Endpoint Container.
devices_aepcontainer_supportsaudio Indicates if the Device Association Endpoint Container Supports Audio Casting.
devices_aepcontainer_supportscapturing Indicates if the Device Association Endpoint Container Supports Capturing.
devices_aepcontainer_supportsimages Indicates if the Device Association Endpoint Container Supports Image Casting.
devices_aepcontainer_supportsinformation Indicates if the Device Association Endpoint Container Supports Information.
devices_aepcontainer_supportslimiteddiscovery Indicates if the Device Association Endpoint Container Supports Limited Discovery.
devices_aepcontainer_supportsnetworking Indicates if the Device Association Endpoint Container Supports SupportsNetworking.
devices_aepcontainer_supportsobjecttransfer Indicates if the Device Association Endpoint Container Supports Object Transfer.
devices_aepcontainer_supportspositioning Indicates if the Device Association Endpoint Container Supports Positioning.
devices_aepcontainer_supportsrendering Indicates if the Device Association Endpoint Container Supports Rendering.
devices_aepcontainer_supportstelephony Indicates if the Device Association Endpoint Container Supports Telephony.
devices_aepcontainer_supportsvideo Indicates if the Device Association Endpoint Container Supports Video Casting.
devices_aepservice_aepid Device Association Endpoint Service's Parent AEP Id.
devices_aepservice_bluetooth_cachemode Bluetooth caching mode for the query.
devices_aepservice_bluetooth_gattservice_cachemode Sets the Bluetooth Gatt cache mode for the query.
devices_aepservice_bluetooth_gattservice_device Learn how the Devices_AepService_Bluetooth_GattService_Device property sets the Bluetooth device address to query.
devices_aepservice_bluetooth_rfcommservice_cachemode Sets the Bluetooth RFCOMM cache mode for the query.
devices_aepservice_bluetooth_rfcommservice_device Learn how the Devices_AepService_Bluetooth_RfcommService_Device property sets the Bluetooth device address to query.
devices_aepservice_bluetooth_serviceguid Learn about the Bluetooth service GUID. This reference page describes the Devices_AepService_Bluetooth_ServiceGuid property.
devices_aepservice_bluetooth_targetdevice Bluetooth parent device for the query. Required for uncached queries.
devices_aepservice_containerid Device Association Endpoint Service's Parent Container Id.
devices_aepservice_friendlyname Device Association Endpoint Service Friendly Name.
devices_aepservice_iot_serviceinterfaces List of interfaces that are available for this service.
devices_aepservice_parentaepispaired Whether the parent Device Association Endpoint is paired with the system or not.
devices_aepservice_protocolid Identity of the protocol this Device Association Endpoint Service was discovered over.
devices_aepservice_serviceclassid Identity of the service this Device Association Endpoint Service represents.
devices_aepservice_serviceid Device Association Endpoint Service's Id.
devices_apppackagefamilyname The package family name registered as the app for this device.
devices_audiodevice_microphone_sensitivityindbfs Sensitivity information in Dbfs for a microphone device.
devices_audiodevice_microphone_signaltonoiseratioindb Signal to noise ratio information in Db for a microphone device.
devices_audiodevice_rawprocessingsupported Raw processing mode support for the audio device. If VARIANT.TRUE the device supports raw processing mode.
devices_audiodevice_speechprocessingsupported Speech mode support for the audio device. If VARIANT.TRUE the device supports speech mode.
devices_batterylife Remaining battery life, as a percentage.
devices_batterypluscharging Remaining battery life of the device and its charging state.
devices_batterypluschargingtext The remaining battery life of the device, and the device's charging state as a string.
devices_category Singular form of device category.
devices_categorygroup Plural of device category.
devices_categoryids Indicates the actual raw category.
devices_categoryplural A property with multiple device categories.
devices_chargingstate Device charging status.
devices_children Device instance ids of children of this device.
devices_classguid Device Class Guid.
devices_compatibleids Compatible Ids.
devices_connected Device connection state.
devices_containerid Device container ID.
devices_defaulttooltip Tooltip for the default state.
devices_devicecapabilities Device Capabilities.
devices_devicecharacteristics Device Characteristics.
devices_devicedescription1 First line of the device description.
devices_devicedescription2 Second line of the device description.
devices_devicehasproblem Device has a problem.
devices_deviceinstanceid Device instance Id.
devices_devicemanufacturer Device manufacturer. Property on device object.
devices_devobjecttype DevQuery Device Object Type.
devices_dialprotocol_installedapplications List of applications supporting DIAL protocol on the Device Association End Point.
devices_discoverymethod Indicates the transport or physical connection on which the device is discovered.
devices_dnssd_domain Domain portion of DNS-SD service instance name. (e.g. '.local' in 'myservice.http.tcp.local').
devices_dnssd_fullname Complete DNS-SD service instance name, including instance, service, and domain.
devices_dnssd_hostname DNS name of device is hosting the service.
devices_dnssd_instancename Instance portion of DNS-SD service instance name.(e.g. 'myservice' in 'myservice.http.tcp.local').
devices_dnssd_networkadapterid GUID for the network adapter on which to search for a service.
devices_dnssd_portnumber Port number on which the service is listening.
devices_dnssd_priority SRV record priority field. Not usually used.
devices_dnssd_servicename Service type portion of DNS-SD service instance name. (e.g. 'http.tcp' in 'myservice.http.tcp.local').
devices_dnssd_textattributes Text data associated with the service instance. Each string is typically a key-value pair, separated by '='.
devices_dnssd_ttl SRV record Time-To-Live field. Not usually used.
devices_dnssd_weight SRV record weight field. Not usually used.
devices_friendlyname Friendly name of the device.
devices_functionpaths Available functions for this device.
devices_glyphicon Glyph Icon Path.
devices_hardwareids Hardware Ids.
devices_icon Icon Path.
devices_inlocalmachinecontainer Device is in the local machine container.
devices_interfaceclassguid Interface Class Guid.
devices_interfaceenabled Indicates if the interface is enabled or not.
devices_interfacepaths Available interfaces for this device.
devices_ipaddress IP address of the device.
devices_isdefault If this property is true, the device is the default device.
devices_isnetworkconnected If this property is true, the device is connected to a network.
devices_isshared If this property is true, the device is a shared device.
devices_issoftwareinstalling If VARIANT.TRUE, the device installer is currently installing software.
devices_launchdevicestagefromexplorer Indicates whether to launch Device Stage.
devices_localmachine If true, the device in question is the computer.
devices_locationpaths Device LocationPaths.
devices_manufacturer Device manufacturer.
devices_metadatapath Path to metadata for the device.
devices_microphonearray_geometry Geometry data for the microphone array.
devices_missedcalls Number of missed calls on the device.
devices_modelid Model Id.
devices_modelname Model name of the device.
devices_modelnumber Model number of the device.
devices_networkedtooltip Tool tip for connection state.
devices_networkname Name of the device's network.
devices_networktype Represents the type of the device's network.
devices_newpictures Number of new pictures on the device.
devices_notification Device notification.
devices_notifications_lowbattery Device low battery notification.
devices_notifications_missedcall Device missed call notification.
devices_notifications_newmessage Device new message notification.
devices_notifications_newvoicemail Device voicemail notification.
devices_notifications_storagefull Device storage-full notification.
devices_notifications_storagefulllinktext Link text for the device storage-full notification.
devices_notificationstore Device notification store.
devices_notworkingproperly If VARIANT.TRUE, the device is not working properly.
devices_paired Device paired state. If true, indicates that the device is not paired with the computer.
devices_parent Parent device.
devices_physicaldevicelocation ACPI_PLD data for the device.
devices_playbackpositionpercent The playback position on the device, as a percentage.
devices_playbackstate The playback state of the device.
devices_playbacktitle The current playback title on the device.
devices_present Device is present.
devices_presentationurl URL of a human readable webpage on the device.
devices_primarycategory Primary category group for this device.
devices_remainingduration The remaining playing time on the device, in 100ns units.
devices_restrictedinterface Indicates if the interface is restricted.
devices_roaming Indicates whether the device is roaming.
devices_saferemovalrequired Indicates whether a device requires safe removal.
devices_serviceaddress Endpoint address of the device service.
devices_serviceid Identifier of the device service.
devices_sharedtooltip Tooltip for the sharing state.
devices_signalstrength Device signal strength.
devices_smartcards_readerkind Smart card reader kind.
devices_status Array of device status strings.
devices_status1 First line of the device status.
devices_status2 Second line of the device status.
devices_storagecapacity Total storage capacity of the device.
devices_storagefreespace Total free space on the storage device.
devices_storagefreespacepercent Total free storage space on the device, as a percentage.
devices_textmessages Number of unread messages on the device.
devices_voicemail Indicates whether the device supports voicemail.
devices_wiadevicetype Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) device type.
devices_wifi_interfaceguid Wi-Fi Interface Guid.
devices_wifidirect_deviceaddress Wi-Fi Direct Device Address.
devices_wifidirect_groupid Wi-Fi Direct Group Id.
devices_wifidirect_informationelements Indicates full set of IEs provided by the Wi-Fi Direct Device.
devices_wifidirect_interfaceaddress Wi-Fi Direct Interface Address.
devices_wifidirect_interfaceguid Wi-Fi Direct Interface GUID.
devices_wifidirect_isconnected Indicates Wi-Fi Direct Device's Connectivity State.
devices_wifidirect_islegacydevice Indicates if Wi-Fi Direct Device is a legacy device.
devices_wifidirect_ismiracastlcpsupported Indicates if link content protection is supported by the Wi-Fi Direct Device if it is Miracast capable.
devices_wifidirect_isvisible Indicates Wi-Fi Direct Device's Current Visibility.
devices_wifidirect_miracastversion Indicates version of Miracast protocol if Wi-Fi Direct Device is Miracast capable.
devices_wifidirect_services Indicates services supported by the Wi-Fi Direct Device.
devices_wifidirect_supportedchannellist Wi-Fi Direct device's channel list.
devices_wifidirectservices_advertisementid Wi-Fi Direct Services Advertisement Id.
devices_wifidirectservices_requestserviceinformation Wi-Fi Direct Services Request Service Information.
devices_wifidirectservices_serviceaddress Wi-Fi Direct Services Service Address.
devices_wifidirectservices_serviceconfigmethods Wi-Fi Direct Services Configuration Methods.
devices_wifidirectservices_serviceinformation Wi-Fi Direct Services Service Information.
devices_wifidirectservices_servicename Wi-Fi Direct Services Service Name.
devices_winphone8cameraflags Flags for a WP8 camera device.
devices_wwan_interfaceguid WWAN Interface Guid.
document_datecreated Indicates the date and time that a document was created. This information is stored in the document, not obtained from the file system.
document_dateprinted Indicates the date and time the document was last printed. The legacy name is 'DocLastPrinted'.
document_datesaved Indicates the date and time the document was last saved. The legacy name is 'DocLastSavedTm'.
document_security Access control information, from SummaryInfo propset.
document_totaleditingtime This property represents the total time between each open and save, accumulated since the creation of the document. This is measured in 100ns units, not milliseconds. VT_FILETIME for IPropertySetStorage handlers (legacy).
drm_dateplayexpires Indicates when play rights expire.
drm_dateplaystarts Indicates when play rights begin.
drm_description Displays the description for Digital Rights Management (DRM).
drm_isdisabled Indicates whether the media file has been disabled by DRM.
drm_isprotected Indicates whether the file is protected under Digital Rights Management (DRM).
drm_playcount Indicates the number of times the file has been played.
edgegesture_disabletouchwhenfullscreen Prevents edge gesture behaviors when an application window is active and in full-screen mode (or an owned window is active).
expandoproperties Properties that are not stored in the item itself, where the properties are in the form of a stream containing a SERIALIZEDPROPSTORAGE.
fileattributes The attributes of the item. These are equivalent to the values recognized in the dwFileAttributes member of the WIN32_FIND_DATA structure.
filedescription A user-friendly description of the file.
fileextension Identifies the file extension of the file-based item, including the leading period.
filefrn The unique file ID, also known as the File Reference Number.
filename The file name, including its extension.
fileofflineavailabilitystatus Null indicates the normal case (file is available offline). The partial case is only for folders where some content may be available offline and some may not.
fileowner The owner of the file, as known by the file system.
fileplaceholderstatus Contains the placeholder file's status flags.
finddata Contains the WIN32_FIND_DATA structure as a buffer of bytes. Do not use this property for any other purpose.
flagcolortext The user-friendly form of FlagColor. This value is not intended to be parsed programmatically.
flagstatus 'The status of a flag. Values: (0=none 1=white 2=Red).'
flagstatustext The user-friendly form of FlagStatus. This value is not intended to be parsed programmatically.
folderkind This property represents the types of content stored in this folder specified by the storage provider.Each folder type must be one of the known value specified by Kind definition. FolderKind is a readonly property, it should only be updated by the storage provider.
foldernamedisplay This property is similar to ItemNameDisplay except it is only set for folders, for files it will be empty.
freespace The amount of free space in a volume, in bytes.
fulltext This property is used to specify search terms that should be applied as broadly as possible across all valid properties for the data source(s) being searched. It should not be emitted from a data source.
gps_altitude Indicates altitude based on the reference in GPS_AltitudeRef.
gps_altitudedenominator The denominator of GPS_Altitude.
gps_altitudenumerator The numerator of GPS_Altitude.
gps_altituderef Indicates the reference for the altitude property (for example, above sea level, below sea level, absolute value).
gps_areainformation Represents the name of the GPS area.
gps_date The date and time of the GPS record.
gps_destbearing Indicates the bearing to the destination point. Calculated from GPS_DestBearingNumerator and GPS_DestBearingDenominator.
gps_destbearingdenominator The denominator of GPS_DestBearing.
gps_destbearingnumerator The numerator of GPS_DestBearing.
gps_destbearingref Indicates the reference used for giving the bearing to the destination point (for example,true direction, magnetic direction).
gps_destdistance Indicates the distance to the destination point.
gps_destdistancedenominator The denominator of GPS_DestDistance.
gps_destdistancenumerator The numerator of GPS_DestDistance.
gps_destdistanceref Indicates the unit used to express the distance to the destination (for example, kilometers, miles, knots).
gps_destlatitude Learn how the GPS_DestLatitude property indicates the latitude of the destination point.
gps_destlatitudedenominator The denominator of GPS_DestLatitude.
gps_destlatitudenumerator The numerator of GPS_DestLatitude.
gps_destlatituderef Indicates whether the latitude destination point is north or south latitude.
gps_destlongitude Learn how the GPS_DestLongitude property indicates the longitude of the destination point.
gps_destlongitudedenominator The denominator of GPS_DestLongitude.
gps_destlongitudenumerator The numerator of GPS_DestLongitude.
gps_destlongituderef Indicates whether the longitude destination point is east or west longitude.
gps_differential Indicates whether differential correction was applied to the GPS receiver.
gps_dop Indicates the GPS DOP (data degree of precision). Calculated from GPS_DOPNumerator and GPS_DOPDenominator.
gps_dopdenominator The denominator of GPS_DOP.
gps_dopnumerator The numerator of GPS_DOP.
gps_imgdirection Indicates the direction of the image when it was captured. Calculated from GPS_ImgDirectionNumerator and GPS_ImgDirectionDenominator.
gps_imgdirectiondenominator The denominator of GPS_Img Direction.
gps_imgdirectionnumerator The numerator of GPS_Img Direction.
gps_imgdirectionref Indicates reference for giving the direction of the image when it was captured, (for example, true direction, magnetic direction).
gps_latitude Indicates latitude.
gps_latitudedecimal Indicates the latitude based on the reference in GPS_LatitudeRef. Calculated from GPS_LatitudeNumerator and GPS_LatitudeDenominator.
gps_latitudedenominator The denominator of GPS_Latitude.
gps_latitudenumerator The numerator of GPS_Latitude.
gps_latituderef Indicates whether latitude is north or south.
gps_longitude Indicates the longitude.
gps_longitudedecimal Indicates the longitude based on the reference in GPS_LongitudeRef. Calculated from GPS_LongitudeNumerator and GPS_LongitudeDenominator.
gps_longitudedenominator The denominator of GPS_Longitude.
gps_longitudenumerator The numerator of GPS_Longitude.
gps_longituderef Indicates whether longitude is east or west.
gps_mapdatum Indicates the geodetic survey data used by the GPS receiver.
gps_measuremode Indicates the GPS measurement mode (for example, two-dimensional, three-dimensional).
gps_processingmethod Indicates the name of the method used for finding locations.
gps_satellites Indicates the GPS satellites used for measurements.
gps_speed Indicates the speed of the GPS receiver movement.
gps_speeddenominator The denominator of GPS_Speed.
gps_speednumerator The numerator of GPS_Speed.
gps_speedref Indicates the unit used to express the speed of the GPS receiver movement, (for example,kilometers per hour, miles per hour, knots).
gps_status Indicates the status of the GPS receiver when the image was recorded (for example, measurement in progress, measurement interoperability).
gps_track Indicates the direction of the GPS receiver movement.
gps_trackdenominator The denominator of GPS_Track.
gps_tracknumerator The numerator of GPS_Track.
gps_trackref Indicates reference for the direction of the GPS receiver movement (for example, true direction, magnetic direction).
gps_versionid Indicates the version of the GPS information.
highkeywords The high confidence keywords for the item.
history_selectioncount The count of instances the user has selected the item.
history_targeturlhostname Mark of the Web zone, as URLZONE enumeration value.
identity_blob Blob used to import and export identities.
identity_internetsid The internet SID of an identity.
identity_keyprovidercontext Identity key provider context.
identity_keyprovidername Identity key provider name.
identity_logonstatusstring A string that indicates the user logon status of an identity.
identity_primaryemailaddress Primary e-mail address.
identity_primarysid The primary SID of an identity.
identity_providerdata The provider's custom data for an identity.
identity_providerid This property specifies the Provider ID.
identity_qualifiedusername The qualified user name of an identity.
identity_uniqueid A unique identifier for an identity.
identity_username User name for an identity.
identityprovider_name Identity provider name.
identityprovider_picture Picture for the identity provider.
image_bitdepth Indicates how many bits are used in each pixel of the image. (Usually 8, 16, 24, or 32).
image_colorspace The colorspace embedded in the image. Taken from the Exchangeable Image File (EXIF) information.
image_compressedbitsperpixel Indicates the image compression level.
image_compressedbitsperpixeldenominator The denominator of Image_CompressedBitsPerPixel.
image_compressedbitsperpixelnumerator The numerator of Image_CompressedBitsPerPixel.
image_compression The algorithm used to compress the image.
image_compressiontext The user-friendly form of Image_Compression. Not intended to be parsed programmatically.
image_dimensions The image dimensions in string format as horizontal pixels x vertical pixels. For example, 3080x2100.
image_horizontalresolution Indicates the number of pixels per resolution unit in the image width.
image_horizontalsize The horizontal size of the image, in pixels.
image_resolutionunit Indicates the resolution units. Used for images with a non-square aspect ratio, but without meaningful absolute dimensions. 1 = No absolute unit of measurement. 2 = Inches. 3 = Centimeters. The default value is 2 (Inches).
image_verticalresolution Indicates the number of pixels per resolution unit in the image height.
image_verticalsize The vertical size of the image, in pixels.
imageparsingname Image parsing name.
importancetext The user-friendly form of Importance. This value is not intended to be parsed programmatically.
infotiptext The text (with formatted property values) to show in the infotip.
internalname The name of a .exe or .dll file as stored in a resource section within that file.
isattachment Identifies whether the item is an attachment.
isdefaultnonownersavelocation Identifies the default save location for a library for non-owners of the library.
isdefaultsavelocation Identifies the default save location for a library for the owner of the library.
isencrypted Identifies whether the item is encrypted.
isincomplete Identifies whether the message was completely received. This value is used with some error conditions.
islocationsupported Identifies whether a location was indexed (locally or remotely) at the time it was added to the library.
ispinnedtonamespacetree Identifies whether a shell folder is pinned to the navigation pane.
isread Identifies whether the item has been read.
issearchonlyitem Identifies whether a location or a library is search only.
issendtotarget Indicates whether an item is a valid SendTo target. This information is provided by certain Shell folders.
isshared Indicates whether the item is shared. This checks only the non-inherited ACLs.
itemauthors Generic list of authors associated with an item. For example, the artist name for a music track is the item author.
itemclasstype Class type of the item.
itemdate The primary date of interest for an item. In the case of photos, for example, this property maps to Photo_DateTaken.
itemfoldernamedisplay The user-friendly display name of an item's parent folder.
itemfolderpathdisplay Read about the ItemFolderPathDisplay property, which represents the user-friendly display path of an item's parent folder.
itemfolderpathdisplaynarrow Read about the ItemFolderPathDisplayNarrow property, which represents the user-friendly display path of an item's parent folder.
itemname The base name of the ItemNameDisplay property.
itemnamedisplay The display name in 'most complete' form.
itemnamedisplaywithoutextension This is similar to ItemNameDisplay except that it never includes a file extension.
itemnameprefix The prefix of an item, used for e-mail messages where the subject begins with the prefix 'Re:'.
itemnamesortoverride This string should be set to the phonetic version of the display name as defined in ItemNameDisplay in CJK locales(CHS Pinyin, JPN Hiragana, KOR Hangul, etc.).
itemparticipants The generic list of people associated with and contributing to an item.
itempathdisplay Read about the ItemPathDisplay property, which represents the user-friendly display path to the item.
itempathdisplaynarrow Read about the ItemPathDisplayNarrow property, which represents the user-friendly display path to the item.
itemsubtype Describes the sub-type of an item.
itemtype The canonical type of the item.
itemtypetext The user-friendly type name of the item.
itemurl Represents a well-formed URL that points to the item.
keywords The set of keywords (also known as 'tags') assigned to the item.
kind Maps extensions to various .Search folders.
kindtext The user-friendly form of Kind. This value is not intended to be parsed programmatically.
language The primary language of the file, particularly if that file is a document.
lastwriterpackagefamilyname Mark of the app container. The package family name of the last app to edit the file's contents.
layoutpattern_contentviewmodeforbrowse Identifies the layout pattern that the content view mode should apply for this item in the context of browsing.
layoutpattern_contentviewmodeforsearch Identifies the layout pattern that the content view mode should apply for this item in the context of searching.
librarylocationscount Indicates the number of library locations.
link_status Specifies whether the link path in Link_TargetParsingPath is verified.
link_targetextension The file extension of the link target. See FileExtension.
link_targetparsingpath The Shell namespace path to the target of the link item.
link_targetsfgaoflags The IShellFolder::GetAttributesOf flags for the target of a link, with SFGAO_PKEYSFGAOMASK attributes masked out.
link_targetsfgaoflagsstrings Expresses the SFGAO flags of a link as string values, and is used as a query optimization.
lowkeywords The low confidence keywords for the item.
media_dateencoded Represents the date and time the file was encoded. The DateTime is in UTC (in the doc, not file system).
media_dlnaprofileid The DLNA profile ID for media content, defined by DLNA standards.
media_duration Represents the actual play time of a media file and is measured in 100ns units, not milliseconds.
media_episodenumber A 1 based monotonically incremented number that corresponds to the episode of the show.
media_framecount Indicates the frame count for the image.
media_protectiontype Describes the type of media protection.
media_providerrating The rating (0 - 99) supplied by metadata provider.
media_providerstyle The style of music or video, supplied by metadata provider.
media_seasonnumber A 1 based monotonically incremented number that corresponds to the season that the show was first presented.
media_seriesname A name that represents a specific series, such as a podcast or recorded television series.
media_thumbnaillargepath The Media_ThumbnailLargePath property contains the filesystem path to the large thumbnail representation of the media item.
media_thumbnaillargeuri Understand the Media_ThumbnailLargeUri property, which represents the URI of the large thumbnail representation of the media item.
media_thumbnailsmallpath The Media_ThumbnailSmallPath property contains the filesystem path to the small thumbnail representation of the media item.
media_thumbnailsmalluri Understand the Media_ThumbnailSmallUri property, which represents the URI of the small thumbnail representation of the media item.
media_usernoautoinfo If true, do not alter this file's metadata. Set by user.
mediumkeywords The medium confidence keywords for the item.
message_attachmentnames The names of the attachments in a message.
message_bccaddress 'The addresses in the Bcc: field.'
message_bccname 'The names of people in the Bcc: field.'
message_ccaddress 'The addresses in the Cc: field.'
message_ccname 'The names of people in the Cc: field.'
message_datereceived The date and time a communication was received.
message_datesent The date and time a communication was sent.
message_flags Flags associated with e-mail messages (identifying that a read receipt is pending, for example). The values stored here by Outlook are defined for PR_MESSAGE_FLAGS.
message_fromname 'The names of people in the From: field.'
message_messageclass The type of Microsoft Outlook message (meeting, task, mail, and so on).
message_participants Participants in communication.
message_proofinprogress Identifies whether the message junk e-mail proofing is still in progress.
message_store The store (also known as the protocol handler) FILE, MAIL, OUTLOOKEXPRESS.
message_toaddress 'The addresses in the To: field.'
message_todoflags Identifies whether a message is flagged as a to-do item.
message_toname 'The names of people in the To: field.'
mimetype The MIME type.
music_albumartistsortoverride This optional string value allows for overriding the standard sort order of Music_AlbumArtist. This is very important for proper sorting of music files in Japanese which cannot be correctly sorted phonetically (the user-expected ordering) without this field. It can also be used for customizing sorting in non-East Asian scenarios,such as allowing the user to remove articles for sorting purposes.
music_albumid This property differentiates albums with the same title from different artists. It is the concatenation of Music_AlbumArtist and Music_AlbumTitle.
music_albumtitlesortoverride This optional string value allows for overriding the standard sort order of Music_Album. This is very important for proper sorting of music files in Japanese which cannot be correctly sorted phonetically (the user-expected ordering) without this field. It can also be used for customizing sorting in non-East Asian scenarios,such as allowing the user to remove articles for sorting purposes.
music_artistsortoverride This optional string value allows for overriding the standard sort order of Music_Artist. This is very important for proper sorting of music files in Japanese which cannot be correctly sorted phonetically (the user-expected ordering) without this field. It can also be used for customizing sorting in non-East Asian scenarios,such as allowing the user to remove articles for sorting purposes.
music_composersortoverride This optional string value allows for overriding the standard sort order of Music_Composer. This is very important for proper sorting of music files in Japanese which cannot be correctly sorted phonetically (the user-expected ordering) without this field. It can also be used for customizing sorting in non-East Asian scenarios,such as allowing the user to remove articles for sorting purposes.
music_displayartist This property returns the best representation of the album artist for a specific music file based upon Music_AlbumArtist, Music_Artist, and Music_IsCompilation information.
music_iscompilation Indicates whether the music file is part of a compilation.
namespaceclsid The CLSID of the name space extension for an item, the object that implements IShellFolder for this item.
note_colortext The user-friendly form of Note_Color. Not intended to be parsed programmatically.
ownersid SID of the user that owns the library.
parentalrating The parental rating stored in a format typically determined by the organization named in ParentalRatingsOrganization.
parentalratingreason Explains file ratings.
parentalratingsorganization The name of the organization whose rating system is used for ParentalRating.
parsingbindcontext Used to get the IBindCtx for an item to be parsed.
parsingname The Shell namespace name of an item relative to a parent folder.
parsingpath The Shell namespace path to the item.
perceivedtype The perceived file type based on its canonical type.
percentfull The amount of space filled, as a percentage.
photo_aperture The aperture value of the image, in APEX units.
photo_aperturedenominator The denominator of Photo_Aperture.
photo_aperturenumerator The numerator of Photo_Aperture.
photo_brightness The brightness value of the image, in APEX units, usually in the range of -99.99 to 99.99.
photo_brightnessdenominator The denominator of Photo_Brightness.
photo_brightnessnumerator The numerator of Photo_Brightness.
photo_cameramanufacturer The manufacturer name of the camera that took the photo, in a string format.
photo_cameramodel The model name of the camera that shot the photo, in string form.
photo_cameraserialnumber The serial number of the camera that produced the photo.
photo_contrast Indicates the direction of contrast processing applied by the camera when the image was taken. '0' indicates 'Normal'; '1' indicates 'Soft'; '2' indicates 'Hard'.
photo_contrasttext The user-friendly form of Photo_Contrast. It is not intended to be parsed programmatically.
photo_datetaken The date when the photo was taken, as read from the camera in the file's Exchangeable Image File (EXIF) tag.
photo_digitalzoom The digital zoom ratio when the image was shot.
photo_digitalzoomdenominator The denominator of Photo_DigitalZoom.
photo_digitalzoomnumerator The numerator of Photo_DigitalZoom.
photo_event The event where the photo was taken. The end-user provides this value.
photo_exifversion The Exchangeable Image File (EXIF) version.
photo_exposurebias The amount of exposure bias used in the photo, as read from the camera.
photo_exposurebiasdenominator The denominator of Photo_ExposureBias.
photo_exposurebiasnumerator The numerator of Photo_ExposureBias.
photo_exposureindex Indicates the exposure index selected on the camera or input device at the time the photo was taken. Calculated from Photo_ExposureIndexNumerator and Photo_ExposureIndexDenominator.
photo_exposureindexdenominator The denominator of Photo_ExposureIndex.
photo_exposureindexnumerator The numerator of Photo_ExposureIndex.
photo_exposureprogram The Exposure Program mode of the camera at the time the photo was taken, as read from the Exchangeable Image File (EXIF) information.
photo_exposureprogramtext The user-friendly form of Photo_ExposureProgram. Not intended to be parsed programmatically.
photo_exposuretime The exposure time for the photo, in seconds, as read from the Exchangeable Image File (EXIF) information.
photo_exposuretimedenominator The denominator of Photo_ExposureTime.
photo_exposuretimenumerator The numerator of Photo_ExposureTime.
photo_flash An indicator of the flash status when the photo was taken, as read from the Exchangeable Image File (EXIF) info.
photo_flashenergy Indicates the strobe energy at the time the image was captured, measured in Beam Candle Power Seconds. Calculated from Photo_FlashEnergyNumerator and Photo_FlashEnergyDenominator.
photo_flashenergydenominator The denominator of Photo_FlashEnergy.
photo_flashenergynumerator The numerator of Photo_FlashEnergy.
photo_flashmanufacturer A string indicating the manufacturer of the flash used to take the picture. Can be blank or not present.
photo_flashmodel String indicating the model of the flash used to take the picture. Can be blank or not present.
photo_flashtext The user-friendly form of Photo_Flash. Not intended to be parsed programmatically.
photo_fnumber The FNumber value when the photo was taken, as read from the Exchangeable Image File (EXIF) information.
photo_fnumberdenominator The denominator of Photo_FNumber.
photo_fnumbernumerator The numerator of Photo_FNumber.
photo_focallength The focal length of the lens as recorded by the camera when the photo was taken, measured in millimeters.
photo_focallengthdenominator The denominator of Photo_FocalLength.
photo_focallengthinfilm The focal length of the lens when the photo was taken, as converted to a 35mm film measurement.
photo_focallengthnumerator The numerator of Photo_FocalLength.
photo_focalplanexresolution Indicates the number of pixels in the image width (X direction) per FocalPlaneResolutionUnit on the camera focal plane. Calculated from Photo_FocalPlaneXResolutionNumerator and Photo_FocalPlaneXResolutionDenominator.
photo_focalplanexresolutiondenominator The denominator of Photo_FocalPlaneXResolution.
photo_focalplanexresolutionnumerator The numerator of Photo_FocalPlaneXResolution.
photo_focalplaneyresolution Indicates the number of pixels in the image height (Y direction) per FocalPlaneResolutionUnit on the camera focal plane. Calculated from Photo_FocalPlaneYResolutionNumerator and Photo_FocalPlaneYResolutionDenominator.
photo_focalplaneyresolutiondenominator The denominator of Photo_FocalPlaneYResolution.
photo_focalplaneyresolutionnumerator The numerator of Photo_FocalPlaneYResolution.
photo_gaincontrol Indicates the degree of overall image gain adjustment. Calculated from Photo_GainControlNumerator and Photo_GainControlDenominator.
photo_gaincontroldenominator The denominator of Photo_GainControl.
photo_gaincontrolnumerator The numerator of Photo_GainControl.
photo_gaincontroltext The user-friendly form of Photo_GainControl. Not intended to be parsed programmatically.
photo_isospeed The International Standards Organization (ISO) speed as recorded by the camera when the photo was taken.
photo_lensmanufacturer String indicating the manufacturer of the lens used to take the picture. Can be blank or not present.
photo_lensmodel A string indicating the model of the lens used to take the picture. Can be blank or not present.
photo_lightsource The light source when the photo was taken, as read from the Exchangeable Image File (EXIF) information.
photo_makernote The Exchangeable Image File (EXIF) extensibility mechanism that allows camera manufacturers to provide custom information.
photo_makernoteoffset The offset for the maker note specified in Photo_MakerNote.
photo_maxaperture The maximum aperture of the lens as recorded by the camera, taken from the Exchangeable Image File (EXIF) information.
photo_maxaperturedenominator The denominator of Photo_MaxAperture.
photo_maxaperturenumerator The numerator of Photo_MaxAperture.
photo_meteringmode The metering mode used by the camera, taken from the Exchangeable Image File (EXIF) information.
photo_meteringmodetext The user-friendly form of Photo_MeteringMode. Not intended to be parsed programmatically.
photo_orientation The orientation of the photo when it was taken, as specified in the Exchangeable Image File (EXIF) information and in terms of rows and columns.
photo_orientationtext The user-friendly form of Photo_Orientation. Not intended to be parsed programmatically.
photo_peoplenames The people tags on an image.
photo_photometricinterpretation The pixel composition.
photo_photometricinterpretationtext The user-friendly form of Photo_PhotometricInterpretation.
photo_programmode The class of the program used by the camera to set exposure.
photo_programmodetext The user-friendly form of Photo_ProgramMode. Not intended to be parsed programmatically.
photo_relatedsoundfile The file name of a sound annotation file associated with the photo.
photo_saturation Indicates the direction of saturation processing applied by the camera when the photo was taken.
photo_saturationtext The user-friendly form of Photo_Saturation. Not intended to be parsed programmatically.
photo_sharpness Indicates the direction of sharpness processing applied by the camera when the photo was taken.
photo_sharpnesstext The user-friendly form of Photo_Sharpness. Not intended to be parsed programmatically.
photo_shutterspeed The shutter speed of the camera when the photo was taken. This is given in APEX units.
photo_shutterspeeddenominator The denominator of Photo_ShutterSpeed.
photo_shutterspeednumerator The numerator of Photo_ShutterSpeed.
photo_subjectdistance The distance to the subject in meters. Calculated from Photo_SubjectDistanceNumerator and Photo_SubjectDistanceDenominator.
photo_subjectdistancedenominator The denominator of Photo_SubjectDistance.
photo_subjectdistancenumerator The numerator of Photo_SubjectDistance.
photo_tagviewaggregate A read-only aggregation of tag-like properties for use in building views.
photo_transcodedforsync A VT_BOOL that indicates whether the image has been transcoded for synchronizing with an external device.
photo_whitebalance The white balance mode at the time the photo was shot, as taken from the Exchangeable Image File (EXIF) information.
photo_whitebalancetext The user-friendly form of Photo_WhiteBalance. Not intended to be parsed programmatically.
prioritytext The user-friendly form of Priority. This value is not intended to be parsed programmatically.
propgroup_advanced Read about the PropGroup_Advanced property. Do not use this property for getting or setting values. It is intended only as a marker.
propgroup_audio Read about the PropGroup_Audio property. Do not use this property for getting or setting values. It is intended only as a marker.
propgroup_calendar Read about the PropGroup_Calendar property. Do not use this property for getting or setting values. It is intended only as a marker.
propgroup_camera Read about the PropGroup_Camera property. Do not use this property for getting or setting values. It is intended only as a marker.
propgroup_contact The property group separator used in property lists to separate contacts from other types. Do not use this property for getting or setting values. This property is intended only as a marker.
propgroup_content Read about the PropGroup_Content property. Do not use this property for getting or setting values. It is intended only as a marker.
propgroup_description The property group separator used in property lists to separate descriptions from other types. Do not use this property for getting or setting values. This property is intended only as a marker.
propgroup_filesystem Read about the PropGroup_FileSystem property. Do not use this property for getting or setting values. It is intended only as a marker.
propgroup_general Read about the PropGroup_General property. Do not use this property for getting or setting values. It is intended only as a marker.
propgroup_gps Read about the PropGroup_GPS property. Do not use this property for getting or setting values. It is intended only as a marker.
propgroup_image The property group separator used in property lists to separate image files from other types. Do not use this property for getting or setting values. It is intended only as a marker.
propgroup_media Read about the PropGroup_Media property. Do not use this property for getting or setting values. It is intended only as a marker.
propgroup_mediaadvanced Read about the PropGroup_MediaAdvanced property. Do not use this property for getting or setting values. It is intended only as a marker.
propgroup_message Read about the PropGroup_Message property. Do not use this property for getting or setting values. It is intended only as a marker.
propgroup_music The property group separator used in property lists to separate music files from other types. Do not use this property for getting or setting values. It is intended only as a marker.
propgroup_origin Read about the PropGroup_Origin property. Do not use this property for getting or setting values. It is intended only as a marker.
propgroup_photoadvanced Read about the PropGroup_PhotoAdvanced property. Do not use this property for getting or setting values. It is intended only as a marker.
propgroup_recordedtv Read about the PropGroup_RecordedTV property. Do not use this property for getting or setting values. It is intended only as a marker.
propgroup_video The property group separator used in property lists to separate video files from other types. Do not use this property for getting or setting values. It is intended only as a marker.
proplist_conflictprompt The list of properties to show in the file operation conflict resolution dialog. Properties with empty values will not be displayed.
proplist_contentviewmodeforbrowse The list of properties to show in the content view mode of an item in the context of browsing.
proplist_contentviewmodeforsearch Identifies the list of properties to show in the content view mode of an item in the context of searching.
proplist_extendedtileinfo The list of properties to show in the listview on extended tiles. Register under the regvalue of 'ExtendedTileInfo'.
proplist_fileoperationprompt The list of properties to show in the file operation confirmation dialog.
proplist_fulldetails The list of all the properties to show in the details page.
proplist_infotip The list of properties to show in the infotip. Properties with empty values will not be displayed.
proplist_nonpersonal The list of properties considered 'non-personal'. The system will leave these properties untouched when directed to remove all non-personal properties from a given file. Register under the regvalue of 'NonPersonal'.
proplist_previewdetails The list of properties to display in the preview pane. Register under the regvalue of 'PreviewDetails'.
proplist_previewtitle The one or two properties to display in the preview pane title section.
proplist_quicktip The list of properties to show in the infotip when the item is on a slow network.
proplist_tileinfo The list of properties to show in the listview on tiles. Register under the regvalue of 'TileInfo'.
proplist_xpdetailspanel Obsolete. The list of properties to display in the XP webview details panel.
rating A rating system that uses integer values between 1 and 99. This is the rating system used by the Windows Vista Shell.
ratingtext The user-friendly form of Rating. This value is not intended to be parsed programmatically.
recordedtv_channelnumber The recorded TV channels. For example, 42, 5, 53.
recordedtv_credits Indicates the credits for the program.
recordedtv_episodename The names of recorded TV episodes. For example, 'Nowhere to Hyde'.
recordedtv_stationcallsign Any recorded station call signs. For example, 'TOONP'.
search_autosummary An automated search system summary of the full text contents of a document, displayed in the search results view in Search Explorer. Use this property only when consuming the values in an application, not when providing values to a property handler.
search_containerhash The hash code used to identify attachments to be deleted based on a common container url.
search_contents The contents of the item.
search_entryid The entry ID for an item within a given catalog in the Windows Search Index.
search_gathertime The Datetime value representing the time when the Windows Search Gatherer process last pushed properties of this document to the Windows Search Gatherer Plugins.
search_hitcount When using CONTAINS over the Windows Search Index, this is the number of matches of the term. If there are multiple CONTAINS, an AND computes the minimal number of hits, and an OR computes the maximal number of hits.
search_iscloseddirectory Emitted as TRUE by a container item to indicate that its child items do not need to be enumerated by an indexer if the container item has not changed since the last incremental index verification crawl.
search_isfullycontained Emitted as TRUE by all child items of a container (such as an e-mail or a compressed file with a .zip name extension) that emits Search_IsClosedDirectory as TRUE. This ensures that the child items are included in the search index.
search_queryfocusedsummary The query-focused summary of the document.
search_queryfocusedsummarywithfallback The query-focused summary of the document. If none is available, the AutoSummary is returned.
search_querypropertyhits Contains the list of matched properties from a query.
search_rank Relevance rank of row, with a range from 0-1000.
search_store The identifier for the protocol handler that produced the item. For example, MAPI, CSC, FILE, and so on.
search_urltoindex Emitted by a container IFilter for each child URL within the container. The children are eventually crawled by the indexer if they are within scope.
search_urltoindexwithmodificationtime This property is the same as Search_UrlToIndex except that it includes the time that the URL was last modified.
security_allowedenterprisedataprotectionidentities Encryption options.
security_encryptionowners Learn about the Security_EncryptionOwners property, which supports file ownership for different versions of Windows.
security_encryptionownersdisplay Learn about the Security_EncryptionOwnersDisplay property, which supports file ownership for different versions of Windows.
sensitivitytext The user-friendly form of Sensitivity. This value is not intended to be parsed programmatically.
sfgaoflags SFGAO values as used in IShellFolder::GetAttributesOf.
sharedwith Indicates who the item is shared with.
sharingstatus 'Indicates the sharing status of an item: Not Shared, Shared, Everyone (homegroup or everyone), or Private.'
shell_omitfromview Omits an item from Shell views.
shell_sfgaoflagsstrings Expresses the SFGAO flags as string values, and is used as a query optimization.
simplerating A rating system that uses a range of integer values between 0 and 5.
size The system-provided file system size of the item, in bytes.
sourcepackagefamilyname Package family name of the app which the storage item instance originated.
status Generic status information applicable to the item.
statusbarselecteditemcount The count of selected items in the view and the estimated total size.
statusbarviewitemcount The count of items in the view and the estimated total size.
storage_portable Indicates if the drive for the storage is portable.
storage_removablemedia Indicates if the storage media is removable.
storage_systemcritical Indicates if the storage media is system critical.
storageprovidercallerversioninformation The storage provider caller protocol version information.The format of this property is provider specific, refer to the storage provider documentation for more information.
storageproviderfilechecksum The checksum computed by the storage provider for the file. Files with the same checksum value will have the same contents.
storageproviderfileidentifier The storage provider identifier for this file.
storageproviderfileremoteuri The storage provider's remote Uri for this file.
storageproviderfileversion The storage provider file version for this file.
storageproviderfileversionwaterline The storage provider computed file version waterline for this file. This value is used to detect if a file has changed.
storageproviderid This property represents the \Storage Provider ID\ part of the fully-qualified provider identifier'\Storage Provider ID\!\Windows SID\!\Account ID\'.
storageprovidersharestatuses This property represents a list of share statuses for the file/folder specified by the storage provider.Each share status must be one of the known value specified by the enumerations belowStorageProviderShareStatuses is a readonly property, it should only be updated by the storage provider.
storageprovidersharingstatus This property represents a the most permissive share status for the file/folder specified by the storage provider.The share statuses from most to least permissive are Owned > Co-owned > Public > Shared > Private.StorageProviderSharingStatus is a readonly property.
subject The subject of a document. This property maps to the OLE document property Subject.
supplemental_albumid Contains the identifiers of the albums that the item is a member of. Can be used in conjunction with the Album item in the Content Indexer APIs to notify other apps about picture albums either the user created or apps have already created.
supplemental_resourceid Contains the identifier for the item on the remote sync service. Used for comparing a file on the system to ones that are available in the cloud.
sync_progresspercentage An integer value between 0 and 100 that represents the percentage completed.
sync_state State of the system synch.
sync_status Status of the system synch.
thumbnail Represents the thumbnail in VT_CF format.
thumbnailcacheid A unique value used as a key to cache thumbnails.
thumbnailstream Data that represents the thumbnail in VT_STREAM format, supported by Windows GDI+ and Windows codecs such as .jpg and .png.
title The title of the item.
titlesortoverride This optional string value allows for overriding the standard sort order of Title. This is very important for proper sorting of music files in Japanese which cannot be correctly sorted phonetically (the user-expected ordering) without this field.It can also be used for customizing sorting in non-East Asian scenarios,such as allowing the user to remove articles for sorting purposes.
trademarks The trademark associated with the item, in a string format.
video_compression Specifies the video compression format.
video_director Indicates the person who directed the video.
video_encodingbitrate Indicates the data rate in 'bits per second' for the video stream. 'DataRate'.
video_fourcc Specifies the FOURCC code for the video stream.
video_frameheight Indicates the frame height for the video stream.
video_framerate Indicates the frame rate for the video stream, in frames per 1000 seconds.
video_framewidth Indicates the frame width for the video stream.
video_horizontalaspectratio Indicates the horizontal portion of the pixel aspect ratio. The X portion of XX:YY. For example, 10 is the X portion of 10:11.
video_isspherical Indicates whether the media file has a spherical video stream.
video_orientation This is the video orientation in degrees.
video_samplesize Indicates the sample size in bits for the video stream. 'SampleSize'.
video_streamname Indicates the name for the video stream. 'StreamName'.
video_streamnumber Indicates the ordinal number of the stream being played.
video_totalbitrate Indicates the total data rate in 'bits per second' for all video and audio streams.
video_transcodedforsync Indicates the vertical portion of the aspect ratio.
video_verticalaspectratio Indicates the horizontal portion of the pixel aspect ratio. The Y portion of XX:YY. For example, 11 is the Y portion of 10:11 .
volume_filesystem The name of a volume's file system. This is valid for Shell items that describe a volume.
volume_isroot A Boolean value stating whether a volume is a root volume.
volumeid The GUID of the NTFS Volume.
zoneidentifier Learn about the ZoneIdentifier property, which is the mark of the web zone, as a URLZONE enumeration value.