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Loading WPA hashes from external computer
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Wireless Password Recovery - loading WPA hashes from external PC

Loading WPA hashes from external PC

Wireless Password Recovery can read WPA-PSK hashes from an external computer. For example, from other operating system's hard drive.

To do so, just specify the path to Windows and ProgramData folders on the external PC or on the connected HDD. Depending on the settings and type of the operating system, the program can also automatically detect and use the following folders of the target OS:

  • %WINDOWS%\System32\Config. The following registry files are processed here: SAM, SYSTEM, SECURITY, and SOFTWARE.
  • The user profile for Master Key analysis.
  • System account profile.
  • System account with system Master Keys.
  • System Vault storage.
  • Other folders.
 You can skip the system analysis and text password lookup by clearing the respective checkbox.
This option does not require administrative privileges.