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Wireless Password Recovery - password filters

Filters are used to skip passwords considered to be needless. For example, you can limit the minimum and maximum length, bypass passwords with only Latin characters, and so on.

Password filters

Filters are global across all attacks and are applied when generating dictionaries as well (refer to attack settings for more info on dictionary generators).

Be careful, some filters are mutually exclusive and can stall the program, some may affect performance drastically.
Password length filters  
Minimal password length Reject all other passwords which length is less than the one you set. For example, if you set '8', the following words will be rejected: 'madam', 'qwerty', '1234567'.
Maximal password length Reject all other passwords which length is greater than the one you set. For example, if you set '5' characters, the following words will be rejected: 'camaro', '12345678', 'qwerty'.
Password type filters  
Skip non-ASCII passwords Skip passwords that contain at least one non-ASCII character. For example: 'пароль'.
Skip ASCII passwords Skip passwords that contain at least one ASCII character. For example: 'hello', '123456', 'b!g'.
Skip numeric passwords Skip passwords that contain at least one digit. For example: '123', '12345q', 'zaq1xsw2'.
Skip symbolic passwords Skip passwords that contain at least one special symbol. For example: '123!@#', 'give-me', 'pa$$word'.
Skip Latin passwords Skip passwords that contain at least one Latin character. For example: 'Hello', 'q12345'.
Password characters filters  
Skip passwords with at least one of the given characters Reject passwords that contain at least one of the given characters. For example, if you set 'ads' characters, the following words will be rejected: 'dad', 'baby', 'sad', 'octopus'.
Reject passwords of a certain character set Skip passwords if their characters belong to the given charset. For example, if you set 'adms' characters, the following words will be rejected: 'madam', 'adamas', 'sam', 'mad'.
Skip passwords if they do not contain at least one of the given characters Reject passwords if they do not have at least one of the given characters. If you set '123'. the following words will be rejected: 'tank456', 'doitnow', 'takethat'. While the following ones will be accepted: 'cool123', 'winter1998', 'friend3'.
Reject passwords that do not belong to a certain charset Skip passwords if they do not belong to a certain character set. If you set '123'. the following words will be rejected: 'tank124', 'doitnow3', 'takethat'. While the following ones will be accepted: '123321', '112233', '123123123'.
Skip passwords if the first character is not one from the given charset Accept passwords with the given first character(s) only. For example, if you set '$#@!' characters, the following words will be rejected: 'test!@ #$', '123abc', ''. While '!qwerty', '#EDCVFR$' will be accepted.
Skip passwords if the last character is not one from the given charset Accept passwords with the given last character(s) only. For example, if you set '123' characters, the following words will be rejected: 'camaro', '12345678', '!qwerty'. While '654321', 'goodgirl2', 'test123' will be accepted.
Skip passwords that do not contain a certain character at a custom position Accept passwords with the given character at the given position only (starting with 1). For example, if you set 'abc' character at position 3, the following words will be rejected: 'break', '87654321', '1by1'. While '1abc123', 'crackme' will be accepted.
Skip passwords if the first character is one of Reject passwords if the first character corresponds to the one you set. For example, if you set 0..9, the following words will be rejected: '123summer', '0gravity', '1ongday'.
Skip passwords if the last character is one of Reject passwords if the last character corresponds to the one you set. For example, if you set a..z, the following words will be rejected: 'motherlove', 'gravity', 'test'. While the following ones will be accepted: 'day3', 'loveyou1', 'TEST'.
Skip passwords that contain a certain character at a custom position Reject passwords if a character at a certain position corresponds to the one you set. For example, if you set A..Z at position 1, the following words will be rejected: 'Dayout3', 'LoveYouDan', 'TEST'. While the following ones will be accepted: 'homeuser', 'password', 'cruel'.
Limit the min number of characters from a given charset Reject passwords if the number of characters from the given charset is less than the number you set. For example, if you set '2' and 0..9, the following passwords will be rejected: 'qwerty', 'bemybaby1', '1ocal'. While the following ones will be accepted: '12345678', 'password123', 'c00l', 'm3gad3a7h'.
Limit the max number of characters from a given charset Reject passwords if the number of characters from the given charset is greater than the number you set. For example, if you set '2' and 0..9, the following passwords will be rejected: '12345678', 'takein123', '1class2020'. While the following ones will be accepted: 'pass12', 'justbeme', 'm3gad3ath'.
Other filters  
Skip passwords if they do not contain a substring Reject passwords that do not contain the string you set. For example, if you set 'adam', the following words will be accepted only: 'madam', 'adamas', 'adam123', '!adam!'.
Skip passwords if they contain a certain substring Reject passwords that contain the string you set. For example, if you set 'tak', the following words will be skipped: 'stack', 'takethat', 'takataka'.
Limit the max number of occurrences of a character Reject the password if the number of any character in it exceeds the limit. For example, if you set '2', the following passwords will be rejected: 'grooovie', '123121', 'paranormal'.
Limit the max number of consecutive occurrences of the same character Reject the password if the number of consecutive occurrences of the same character exceeds the limit. For example, if you set '2', the following passwords will be rejected: 'grooovie', '01112013', 'Garrrage', '999999'.
Limit the min number of occurrences of a character Accept only passwords if the number of any one character is greater or equal to the number you set. For example, if you set '2', the following passwords will be rejected: 'qwer', 'fghjks', 'mother'. While the following ones will be accepted: 'takethat', 'asdsa', 'qwerw', 'baby', 'qazqqasd'.
Limit the min number of consecutive occurrences of the same character Accept only passwords if the number of consecutive occurrences of any character is greater or equal to the number you set. For example, if you set '2', the following passwords will be rejected: 'qwerty', 'father', 'asasas', 'a4a4'. While the following ones will be accepted: 'password', 'cool', 'asddd', 'hello'.