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Passcape Wordlist Collection purchase page
Reset Windows Password v14.3
Web browser forensic tools
OneNote password recovery v3.4
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Reset Windows Password v14.2
Telegram data recovery, Photo Database and Media Player investigation tools, and some more
Office password recovery tools
Resetting VBA passwords

Articles and video

You may find it helpful to read our articles on Windows security and password recovery examples. Video section contains a number of movies about our programs in action

Passcape Wordlist Collection registration

Ordering overview

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We know how important it is to maintain your confidentiality when placing an order via the internet. The ordering pages are on a secure server, ensuring that your confidential information remains that way. Passcape uses PayPro Global (a Toronto, Canada-based company) to process major online orders. PayPro Global is recognized as the world's leading e-commerce provider for software sales via the Internet. It supports more than one hundred currencies, all major credit cards, and a wide variety of payment options.

Click the BuyNow! link in the table below to open a secure order page.

Full name Price Delivery Order link
Passcape Wordlist Collection (13 GB 7z archive, 13 volumes) $149.9 Download links buy now >>


General information
Be aware please that the link remains active for 48 hours. However setting the Download warranty option allows you to come back and re-initiate your download at a later date if you, for instance, buy a new computer. If you don't want this option, simply deselect the appropriate checkbox.

Online orders
If you purchase our products online, you will receive an automatically generated e-mail message with registration details within several minutes (if the order passes the fraud check system). However, some orders can be marked for manual checkout or as 'suspicious'. This may increase the order time up to several hours.

Order via PayPal, WebMoney, iDeal, Yandex Money, Alipay, Boleto Bancario, JCB
Make sure you select your country first (in the order form) to make the appropriate payment type available in the list.


Complete the registration
After registering you will receive the download link by e-mail. When completing the order form, please double-check that your e-mail address is correct! Otherwise, you'll be unable to receive your link. Please specify e-mail addresses that don't block letters with attachments and don't require manual confirmation. If you do not receive your registration email within a reasonable amount of time (usually two business days for credit card payments or two weeks for other payments), please notify us. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by those delays.

Still have questions? Please read our FAQ.