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Wireless Password Recovery v5.0

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Wireless Password Recovery v5.0

The Wireless Password Recovery has been updated to v5.0.0. The list of improvements and new features:

 Support for PMKID. PMKID is a brand-new feature that allows reading WPA handshakes without knowing/combining 4-way EAPOL messages. The program supports extracting PMKID from both *.pcap/*.ncf dumps and hashcat-like textual files.
 Support for NVidia GeForce RTX 20xx GPUs.
 New feature to restore the last working session that was not completed correctly. For example, after a critical failure during password recovery.
 WPA/WPA2 enterprise credentials recovery. Now the program decrypts plaintext passwords of WPA enterprise profiles stored on Windows 7-10 machines. This feature works in online (currently logged on user) and offline (any external PC) modes. All passwords are restored almost instantly.
 Now the program parses and displays the time WPA handshakes were caught (for packet dumps only).
 New option to select the way the program searches for MAC passwords when loading WPA handshakes. A user can also turn this feature off, for example, to speed up loading multiple handshakes.
 New option that allows removing duplicate items when loading handshakes from dump files.
 PMKID constructor. An easy way to generate a custom PMKID item manually.
 New attack templates for default passwords to over 20 known networks. This feature allows using pre-defined attacks to search for default router passwords.
 New temperature maintaining methods in GPU health monitor. Now you can set a custom fan speed and GPU power separately.
 New caching algorithm that allows working a little bit faster with small wordlists. For example, in certain configurations of Combined dictionary attack.
 Regular and DEAUTH-aware algorithms of parsing network dumps are incorporated into a single one now.
 Some optimization in Preliminary attack.
 Much optimization was done in project parsing. Program's projects are loading much faster now.
 Update for French and Russian interfaces. Thanks to Laurent Debard for providing constant and accurate updates.
 A lot of minor improvements.
 Fixed multiple problems in Combined dictionary attack.
 A bug in handshake generation tool was fixed.

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16:22:07 24.09.2018



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