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Passcape ISO Burner v2.3.2
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Word-list processing feature

Bigger, 12:30:22 22.05.2013 Rating: 0 #1

Word-list processing feature  

Hi all,
Just read a previous post and realized that I need a custom feature in your wordlist parsing utilities. The matter of fact, I have a lot of dictionaries with html entities in words. For example, test&test. Obviously this word should be treated as test&test. Unfortunately, I found no tools to convert html entities into human readable form.
It would be nice if you add the feature into your wordlist tools.
I would also suggest to add a substring extraction rule by a given character as a separator. For example, to parse e-mail addresses (by @ character).
IvanO, 12:45:46 22.05.2013 Rating: 0 #2

RE: Word-list processing feature  

Both features are worth to be done. I will let you know once we add it to the program.
Passcape_Admin, 17:35:43 06.06.2013 Rating: 0 #3

RE: Word-list processing feature  

New version of Wireless Password Recovery has just been submitted with the features you suggested. To convert HTML entities in words, just open Wordlist Tools - Additional tools and select the feature.

To get all user names out of a given list with e-mail addresses, select 'Custom filter based on Hybryd attack rules' and set up the following rule:
Sample: ivan.senin@facebook.com - ivan.senin

To get all domain names from input e-mail list, use the following rule:
Sample: ivan.senin@facebook.com - facebook

You will see the feature upon next public release of Windows Password Recovery. However let me know if you need it urgently, I can send you the beta version.
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