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Online dictionaries dialog

The online dictionary selection dialog is extremely simple. When it opens up, the program attempts to establish a connection with the Passcape Software server and then retrieves and displays the list of dictionaries available for downloading.

Onine dictionaries


For more convenience, you can order the list by name, size of source or compressed file, group it belongs to, etc.

Select the dictionary you need and then click on the 'Download' button to retrieve it and use in the program.

Some of the dictionaries are large. For instance, the size of 'music_songs.pcd' is more than 59 MB in the compressed format. Naturally, retrieving such a large amount of data may take some time, which depends upon file size, bandwidth of your Internet connection and net load.

All online (and some additional) dictionaries can be ordered on CD. The total size of all the dictionaries is over 1GB. You can also share your own dictionary with us by e-mailing us the dictionary or the link where it can be downloaded.

You can use online dictionaries in common dictionary, combined dictionary and phrase attacks.