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Decrypt files encrypted by Telegram
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Reset Windows Password: Decrypt Telegram files


Decrypt Telegram files  

If the Telegram passcode is known or has not been set, decrypting the local files appears to be a relatively straightforward task. Otherwise, you'll need to decrypt the Telegram password first.

You can choose one of the three decryption methods that is more convenient for you:

  • Creating a ZIP archive and copying all decrypted files into it.
  • Keeping decrypted files within the original directory with a different file extension. For instance, if the extension is set to DEC, the decrypted files would appear as XXXXXX.DEC, YYYYYY.DEC, etc.
  • Copying decrypted files to a specified directory.
Decrypted data can be used for further analysis. For example, the decrypted maps file contains the user's name and phone number.