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Search passwords for virtual machines
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Reset Windows Password: searching for virtual machine passwords

Once a password for Virtual Machine is lost, you can use this RWP feature to get back access to your locked VM. The current version of the program supports VmWare and Oracle VirtualBox virtual machines. Both virtualization programs have very strong protection, thus password recovery for these VMs has some peculiarities described below.

Setting up password recovery methods

Virtual machine password recovery - setting password search methods

At the very beginning, determine what search methods fit best for your task. Password recovery for Virtual Machines is an extremely slow process, so it is highly recommended to disable the most time-expensive items. The 'Custom recovery' checkbox switches between custom and predefined attack templates. If the first is selected, you will be asked to configure some options for the selected attack during the next Wizard steps. If certain information about the password is known, a custom attack would be your choice.


Selecting data source

Virtual machine password recovery - setting data source

Please, pay special attention to setting up all folders required for further system analysis. Otherwise, the program will be able neither to detect Virtual Machines not to search for passwords properly. In most cases, RWP automatically fills up all fields with required files and folders.

Keep in mind that the disk letters may differ from ones on the original system!

Searching for virtual machine passwords

Virtual machine password recovery

Searching for VM passwords usually takes a really long time. All virtual machines have very strong protection and in some cases, the password search speed is as low as only a few passwords per second! Therefore, to optimize and increase the process, just exclude unnecessary virtual machines from the search list and leave active the only one you need. Use the context menu for that.