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Windows Hello security analysis
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Windows Password Recovery - Windows Hello explorer

Windows Hello is a brand-new biometrics technology that enables users to authenticate to their Windows 10 devices with just a fingerprint, iris scan, facial or voice recognition. Windows Hello is supposed to be more user-friendly and secure than using a password.

Windows Password Recovery has a set of utilities to analyze Windows Hello security system. This kit includes three features to extract plaintext passwords saved by Windows Hello system, to decrypt digital identities (for example, users' fingerprints) stored in biometric databases and PIN recovery tool.


Windows Hello credentials

This is a feature to locate, extract, decrypt and analyze plaintext credentials stored by Windows Hello...
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Windows Hello credentials

Biometric databases

Biometric databases contain digital identities used to authenticate a certain user in Windows Hello...
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Windows Hello biometric databases

PIN recovery

When you set up Windows Hello, you're asked to create a PIN first. The PIN is not saved anywhere...
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Windows Hello PIN