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Wireless Password Recovery v4.3.5

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Wireless Password Recovery v4.3.5

The Wireless Password Recovery has been updated to v4.3.5. The list of improvements:

 GPU health monitor. Now you can monitor and control GPU activity.
 GPU performance adjustment. This is a new helpful feature to adjust GPU load.
 MAC to vendor tool to search for a vendor by its name and vice versa.
 Program's manual.
 Minor changes in handshake generator tool.
 A lot of minor visual enhancements, new visual themes, etc.
 General update for MAC address database (MAC to manufacture).
 Support for drag'n'drop in most dialogs.
 The hardware monitor has been changed. Now it shows retain and abort temperatures, etc.
 New GPU speed benchmarks.
 This version has some changes in the way the program extracts and decrypts passwords of any wireless connection stored by Windows (on a local PC). Now if the primary algorithm cannot decrypt the passwords, for example, when an AV software or the Windows itself blocks it, the program switches to an alternative and much more flexible solution.
 Some parts of the Dictionary attack have been rewritten.
 An error in the Batch attack was fixed. The program failed sometimes if at least one Fingerprint attack was selected.
 Unexpected progress loss when the program was unable to start an attack because of a GPU error.
 An error of unexpected failure in the Dictionary attack.
 An error removing handshake duplicates was eliminated.
 Improved logic in dictionary generator of the Combined attack. It generated additional passwords if at least one creation rule was set.
 Word insertion feature worked incorrectly in some configurations of the Combined attack.

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12:14:33 27.07.2018



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