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Reset Windows Password v12.3.1

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Reset Windows Password v12.3.1

A new updated version of the Reset Windows Password is ready for download. It includes the following changes:

 Volume Explorer. This is a new tool to mount hidden partitions of a drive.
 A new tool to parse and view databases in an ESE (Extensible Storage Engine) format.
 Windows Search database explorer. The world's first human-readable viewer and parser of the Windows Search index.
 The plaintext password recovery module got a new option to fetch words from Windows Search database. It works when searching domain credentials, document passwords, PINs, SYSKEYs, Virtual PC passwords, local and domain passwords.
 The About dialog shows a power indicator now. It's helpful to check if you're not running out of power on a laptop, for example.
 The ESE database reader now uses a better database size auto-detection algorithm. The ESE reader module is used by SCRUM, Windows Search, Windows Edge history parser and in some other tools.
 ESE databases copied from another PC have a 'dirty shutdown' flag set on. If the OS was not shut down properly or was not shut down at all, most system databases, such as Windows Search or System Resource Usage Monitor, are marked as 'dirty'. It means that some data still reside in transaction log files and it is required to complete the transactions in order to open the database. When parsing the ESE databases, the Reset Windows Password checks if it has the 'dirty shutdown' state and, if yes, prompts to repair the database.
 Some visual improvements.
 Update for Brazilian, Hindi, Hungarian, Gujarati and Russian language interfaces.
 The forensic backup tool can collect additional items now: Microsoft Edge history, Windows music and video databases, Microsoft communication database, Windows error reports and user crash dumps, power efficiency reports, SMS message store, and some others.
 The file backup tool was not functioning properly and created ZIP archives with duplicate items sometimes.
 Interface issues.

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09:04:23 17.02.2023



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